Sanjevi Rau

Day Night for macOS - A desktop app that kills the procrastination in you.

Day Night for macOS is a desktop app that shows you how much time left in percentage.
You can keep track of today, month and year time in percentage. Day Night have awake mode, sleep mode and changes the theme automatically according to the real time.

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Guido Evertzen
Hi, nice looking app! May i suggest that you look into persuasive-communication? Just giving the user information about their time is very unlikely to change their behaviour/habit. If you want to help people to stop procrastinating, give them ideas for alternative activities or help them, for example by taking their tasks and cutting them up in smaller steps. Right now this app comes off as a nice exercise for you in coding and visually designing an app. I would love to see you take it further and evolve this design in something that helps its users!
Sanjevi Rau
@guidooo Hi Guidoo, thanks for the suggestion and compliment. In the next version, I'm planning to implement a todo list which shows the dateline in percentage. I hope it can make people kill procrastination even more.
Hugo Besley
@sanjevirau cool design - just downloaded it. Is there any way that I can set it so the app doesn't stay in my dock?
Sanjevi Rau
@hugobesley Hi Hugo, thanks for downloading. You can undock the app by clicking the "unlink" icon to freely move the app wherever you want in your desktop. Thanks.
Hugo Besley
@sanjevirau the app icon is still in the doc tho. would be good if it was just a menu bar app :)
Alamo aka 狐狸
I hope there will be popup notifications, such as "only 4% time left to complete your project, hurry up you lazy dog"
Pillow John
I'd love to remove the app from my dock and only keep it up top. It really wastes space on my precious dock.
Sanjevi Rau
Hey Makers, I'm back and happy to announce that Day Night is finally released for macOS, Day Night is a desktop app that shows you the time in percentage to kill the procrastination in you. Since the launch of Day Night for Windows, I have received many emails regarding it;s release for macOS. Therefore, here you go guys, Day Night for macOS. 📖 Why I started Day Night? The obvious reason is that I was really inspired with the Year Progress, Motivation and Progress Bar OSX project idea. I believed using that apps will kill the procrastination in me. But the one thing all the apps have in common is, it's not available for Windows! Unfortunately, I only have a Windows machine. So I asked myself, do beautiful and useful productivity apps can only be developed for Mac? Can't Windows have beautiful and useful apps too? I challenged myself. Now it's been recreated for macOS since many people requested for it. 🌟Features • Shows today, month and years progress in percentage • Awake Mode : Let you set your own preferred time to show progress • Sleep Mode : Notifies you to sleep when awake time over • Theme transition : Automatically changes theme according to day time and night time • Always in tray : Percentage and mode are always displayed in tray in Windows • Dock & Undock : Use Day Night as a widget in desktop or use it as in tray • Support macOS Mojave Dark Theme Heavy works and lots of time have been put in doing this app alone, so I do appreciate if you let me know of what you think. If you like it, do support me buy purchasing the app for only $5, limited offer for PH great beings! Cheers!
Max Ziebell
@sanjevirau Why isn't this in the Apple app store?
Yuriy Kovalev
Nice! I had exactly the same idea recently :)
Sanjevi Rau
@nightcoder That's good to hear Yuriy. :)
An apple watch app for this would be just amazing. Lift your hand and see how much % of the day is left to get sh*t done.
Jignesh Patil
Great app, it uses lots of resources on my mac.
Phil Wornath
@jignesh_patil Yeah, same for me - and I was really wondering for 3 months, how by battery life dropped by like one hour
Phil Wornath
Nice idea - but in my case macOS shows a very high battery impact (#2 after Firefox, 10 times higher than Spotify). So if there is something you could finetune: It's the battery consumption.
Pumnaevash Seree
“Day” can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software. This software needs to be updated. Contact the developer for more information." When will this be resolved?
Vadym Syliava
It’s nice idea and the coolest realization. Thank you for your job.
Catane Smith
love it
Andreas Kaminski
?makers I cannot start the app. When I try a pop-up shows up that says that the developers is not verified (MacBook 13 2020/Big Sur). Any suggestions how to solve it? It is a little bit a bummer after I just paid for it.
Sanjevi Rau
Hi @themightyminski, Thank you very much for purchasing Day Night and sorry for the problem you're facing. The error you get is due to the app not being downloaded from App Store. To solve this issue, you need to "Right Click" on the downloaded file and click on "Open". This will allow the Day Night app to be installed in your Mac. If this doesn't work, please let me know. Thank you once again. Hope you'll like Day Night.
Shailendra Mishra
A simple timer app comes in 64 MB size, why! My windows defender and my antivirus says that it is not safe to install, what is happening here?