
Alchemy - File conversion, all from the menu bar 🔮


Image conversion and merging made easy. Simply drag and drop your image files to seamlessly convert them into a variety of formats, or merge them into a PDF or gif. Works with (almost) every image format. All from the convenience of the menu bar.

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Mike Fix
Hey guys thanks for the support! If you are interested, please submit issues or PRs at We really appreciate your help!
Jonathan Barnette
Cool. Download link 404s. Should it be this?
Nick Abouzeid
@cublu Just changed it! Second website link goes directly to download.
Mike Fix
@philipsajeesh @torakiki @nickabouzeid @cublu thanks guys! We just updated the download link. We were in the middle of publishing our v0.2.0 release when this post got published! We appreciate the support and sorry for the inconvenience!
Mike Fix
@philipsajeesh thanks Sajeesh! We all have @jaakedex to thank for the awesome logo!
Raffaele Negro
Just tried and it does not work. Also, when I click outside the box, I want it to disappear
Mike Fix
@raffanegro hi Raffaele thanks for the comment. We have fixed the link (we apologize). Currently we have seen it favorable to keep the box open to make dragging more files in easier, but please submit an issue at if you would like that to change!
Sourav Ray
@fixitup2 Nifty! I would be great, if there was a Quit option to free up my precious menubar space.
Mike Fix
@souravray hey Sourav! You can always always enter ⌘+Q (quit) with the menu open to close the app. More settings like this are coming soon. Please submit in issue to make this functionality a priority!
Mike R Wilson
Wow, This is nice
Nick Abouzeid
The download link on the first web page goes to a 404. If you want to download, either go here ( or hover over the downward facing arrow next to "Get It," then click the bottom tab titled "Website."
Jordan Jackson
Dave Lilly
I'm sorry, but I see two icons in my menubar. I deleted the app hoping they would disappear, but they're still there. How can I remove them. I'm happy to reinstall, but I don't want a THIRD icon up there. :-)
Jake Dexheimer
@davelilly Hi, Dave! Have you tried ⌘+Q the application? If that fails, try restarting your computer. If you're still having issues, feel free to reach out to for more support :)
Ktryn Dchrs
For nerds like me, a simple automator script make me do anything like this hehe. But for the rest of the world, this is a nice treat! ;)
William Gill
This looks great! Question: why are you not an "identified developer"? My mac blocked this from opening. Also: my very first attempt to use it resulted in an error.
Anoir Ben Tanfous
Anyone, please recommend a windows alternative?