Nikita Kolmogorov

Shieldy - A zero-config Telegram bot that fights spam in chats

Shieldy — is the best solution in Telegram to fight annoying spammers. It asks newcomers to execute a set action within a set period, otherwise it kicks them. That's all. Also it's completely free and open source.

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Nikita Kolmogorov
Most of our Telegram communities that we carefully moderate experience huge waves of spammers (up to 50 bots added per day) who just join the groups, wait for a day and then unexpectedly send a spam message. I decided to fight it with a simple solution. As bots don't make any moves for the first hour or so, asking newcomers to do something to verify their humanity could be a great idea. So I've built it into a free bot and made it completely open source — Surprisingly, almost 99% of spam accounts get blocked before spammers can even notice. I've been using it for a while in my chats and thought it might be useful for somebody. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!
Nikita Kolmogorov
@andrew_ahachinsky np, thank you for the upvote 😉
Nadezhda Kos
@nikitakolmogorov Добрый день, Никита! Замечательная идея :) И мои поздравления с успешным запуском на PH. #3 Product of the Day Вы круты!
Nikita Kolmogorov
@nadezhda_kos Спасибо большое!
Paul Shuteyev
Shieldy is a must for all the telegram channel hosts, great job guys! I would like to offer you to publish an interview about Shieldy at please PM me at for more details
Yury Smykalov
Simple and elegant solution. Very cool! Congrats with the successful launch!
Vax Cymaticka
This thing is powerful. THANK YOU FOR BUILDING IT. DIE COMMIE BOTS!!!!!!
Hello I completely frustrated this bit has been blocking me from joining so many he groups I don’t spam people why is this happening for over a month now
Nikita Kolmogorov
@dougy_buller check if you're banned at
Andrew Ahachinsky

This seems like something I could use.


Free and nice Interface


Easy to

Himansh Raval
This is great! Super fast and easy to use. I just tested it and A zero-config Telegram bot that fights spam in chats and it was very simple to see what it would look like across platforms, and much quicker to edit the copy too. Great job! 🙌
Igor Ozherelyev
Looks like it really helpful tool for Telegram. Can't open the link though. Probably because im in Russia right now 😅
Dragon Crypto
magnificent, brilliant, just what i need! Thank you!
Dan Brodovich
"... otherwise you will be kicked. Thank you! (60 sec)" - this sound too rude... Is there anyway to update/change this message since we find this no appropriate to our community... It makes people entrance to the group very unpleasant and uncomfortable. As majority of newcomers prefer to stay quite and just read message rather than contribute posting a threat to kick them out looks horrible
Nikita Kolmogorov
@daniil_brodovich Hi there! Just fyi, I've added `/customCaptchaMessage` command that allows you to customize the captcha message. Cheers!
Dan Brodovich

Was very excited to find this bot initially, it was super easy to make it work, but then it started to scare our new users in a public chat that he'll "kick them out" if the wouldn't respond in 60 sec... I was trying to find how to change the message, but no luck. This message doesn't sound friendly at all, so have to delete it now and keep looking for alternatives.


A good way to stop spam bots


Very rude message that turns down all new and existing users without an option to change it

Александр Карпов . Olá. Há uma excelente bot para combater spam em grupos! Ele permite que no modo automático para eliminar o spam. Utiliza técnicas de aprendizado de máquina, redes neurais.
Nikita Kolmogorov
@daniil_brodovich now you can change the captcha message ;)
Manuel Souto Pico
Howe can I use it in a Telegram group?
Nikita Kolmogorov
@msoutopico just add it to a group chat like any other member :)
Mr. Moe
You have to allow us to disable the Capcha or to enable it , but you can't force us to use it in the group !!! this is not nice at all.
Nikita Kolmogorov
@moewsaleh no one can force you to use anything on Telegram without your permission. Also, please, read /help — there is a command called /noattack.