Michael Flarup

Datazar Paper - Interactive and reproducible scientific papers.

Datazar Paper is an interactive and reproducible scientific paper. With a simple, Medium-like editor, Paper brings the power of the Web and interactivity to the trusted technical paper. Include everything you make on Datazar, from notebooks to visualizations to data on your Paper for everyone to see and understand.

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That logo looks familiar https://www.razer.com/
Amaniel Tsegai
@serglotz I've actually never seen their wordmark :/ we use our fonts based on our Datazar logo/wordmark. I think a lot of companies have this style now (we came in pretty late)
@serglotz @ata_aman it's a trend in design. there are a ton of logos like using an E and the A like this.
Amaniel Tsegai
Hello ProductHunt! We're super excited to introduce Datazar Paper! Datazar Papers is the next step in the evolution of the scientific paper. Moving away from static images and text and to more interactivity will allow us all to understand the complex ideas we find ourselves inventing today. I've written more about this on our blog post, but here are some key points I want to share: 1. Interactivity📈 : Datazar Paper allows you to publish live D3 Visualizations you can make using a JS and CSS editor on Datazar. This means if the visualization is interactive (meaning you can slide buttons and change element states etc...), the reader will be able to get out of your content by going through the different layers of the paper. 2. Reproducibility♻️: Datazar has something called "Replication" which means a user can replicate (or copy) an entire project by click of a button (including the Paper). So Papers are easy to literally replicate and to replicate in the sense of re-doing what's described in the report. 3. Reach📢: Since Datazar Papers are 100% based on the Web, you can reach more people by simply sharing a link to your content. We'll soon release mobile apps and the natural support of the interactive paper will make technical papers that much fun to read, understand and share. Blog post: https://blog.datazar.com/introdu...
Dimitri Block
@ata_aman How do you plan to provide it to scientific publishers eg IEEE, ACM?
Amaniel Tsegai
@dimitriblock honestly we've been thinking hard about this? there's many ways to go about it and we're in contact with a few of them to figure out how to best approach it. stay tuned for what we come up with soon
Dre Durr💡
A few things 1. Add messaging to your hero image. I have no idea what Paper is or how it can help me until I scrolled to the bottom. 2. The getting started button is to hard to find. You have a gorgeous flat image you should move it closer to. You have 2 seconds to convert a visitor to a user. If it's not easy for them to find, your bounce rates will be sky high. 😢 Onboarding ✅I like the referral system to people already in the system. Product 1. I have no idea what is going on. How do I write a paper? How do I find other users? Is this a social network or a project management tool?
Amaniel Tsegai
@dredurr Thanks for the pointers Dre! We're a work in progress on documentation for sure. That's where we're working on right on and I promise you it will get much clearer. For now to write a paper here are the steps: 1) create a project 2) Click "New File" 3) and then you'll see Paper under "Documents". Hope this helps!
Emmanuel Hadoux
I am quite perplex about the pricing system. I guess this is not orientated towards actual scientists, is it? Because as an C.S. scientist I don't know why I would pay for stuff (LaTeX, R, Python, D3, Jupyter) that I can have for free. I mean, the whole put everything into the same document idea is good, I like it, but I can't see anybody using it for an actual paper. I would use it for the research and then write the paper in full LaTeX so why would I pay?
Amaniel Tsegai
@emmanuelhadoux hey Emmanuel, you actually don't need to pay to use those tools on Datazar, it's all free. You only pay if you want to make it 1) private or 2) analyze large datasets with those tools. The convenience factor of not having to manage different packages for all these tools is a big plus for some (just like you can spin up your own GIT server in minutes but pay GitHub to do it for you). Hope that helps. We might need to improve our messaging on pricing!
Emmanuel Hadoux
@ata_aman No, no, it was very clear on the page. It's just that I don't know your target audience. I can only talk about (a part of) scientists. A paper cannot be made public until it has been pair-reviewed, accepted and formally published. So private repositories are a mandatory requirement. I don't what large datasets means. For psychologists, 100 lines is good, for a Deep Learning researcher it's not even worth their time. I do sympathize with the fact that everything is embedded in one, remotely managed platform but taking your example, GitHub gives any scientists free private plans. So I am still wondering if we are your targeted audience. If no, that's fine, otherwise I am perplex. I think the real deal breaker for me (and any scientist caring about publishing in good conferences/journals) is the non-private repos stuff.
Amaniel Tsegai
@emmanuelhadoux we do give free plans on case-by-case basis and we give 100% of students free plans. Shoot me your email at aman[at]datazar.com and I'll make sure you have access. Totally agree or the definition of large datasets. We think researchers who analyze north of 2GB have their own systems designed or are better suited for our enterprise plan that provides an entire dedicated server. For the public repos, we believe researchers can get good exposure by just uploading openly - that shouldn't diminish your research whatsoever (at least that's how it should be). We want to foster a community where researchers peer-review each other on the platform. We charge really more for the computational power than the private projects because that's what actually costs us money. We just took the liberty of packaging those two things together for simplicity's sake.
Emmanuel Hadoux
@ata_aman That's a fair reply and I sympathize with computational power cost, thank you. While I do agree it shouldn't diminish our research, embargo (at list during the whole reviewing process until acceptation) is a reality for several (good and less good) reasons such as anonymity during the review process, protection against plagiarism and idea theft, etc. Don't get me wrong, what you've done looks great.
Amaniel Tsegai
@emmanuelhadoux oh absolutely, all valid reasons. We're hoping the community can help us improve these processes. They are important but can definitely be improved upon.
Mauricio Arce
It's a great idea, But, I registered but and couldn't really used it, couldn't advanced from personal info form. Hope this gets fixed.
Amaniel Tsegai
@mauricio_arce hey Mauricio, we're having some issues because of the crazy activity. Stay tuned.
Amaniel Tsegai
@mauricio_arce all issues are resolved. Go ahead and try it out!
Đồ gỗ 365
I will try
Chris Kleine
I need to test it
Marcel Heinz
Really cool product! Good luck :)!
Zhouchen Tang