A database of 3150 angel investors to get seed funding
Seth Louey

Fundraising Bot — A bot with an access to a database of 3150 angel investors


Fundraising Bot is a Messenger/Telegram bot that gives you a quick access to a database of 3150 angel investors. View names and profiles, Investment Score, location. Add them to your network

Lu Milevskyi
3 months ago i launched Datastarta here, got 1400 upvotes and #1 badge. It was the first launch in my life so I ... fucked up. Really. Just read this to understand what i did https://medium.com/@lumilevskyi/.... But today i'm launching Fundraising Bot for both platforms Messenger and Telegram. Go check it and let me know what you think :)
Katy Maradona

The data behind the bot is a diamond!


The Investment Score is genius!


A little bit slow

Carla Olson

Have you thought about developing some kind of a filter?


Good ideas constantly popping up!


It's be great if you could improve the speed:) Enable search by state, area (e.g., SF Bay Area).

Vas Vaskul
I'm curious to read about the service you mentioned. Where to expect?

Call me old school, but I prefer to have the data dumped in a table; one which I can sort, filter and search.

Its fun to use once.


Nice idea


Should not be a bot

Lama Al Rajih
How do you rate the investors? @lumilevskyi
Lu Milevskyi
@lamaalrajih «The number is calculated by our own secret formula and contains three parameters: the power of influence, personal network size and investment activity.»
Katy Maradona
Good marketing, Lu!
Vas Vaskul

I like the conversation.




Don't see any

Moody Boles
Why there’re no investors listed from Egypt?
Paul Sheehan
This is a great idea.
Stan Podolski
I love it! Angels will love it too!
Zach Swetz
What would you have done differently launching Datastarta?