Michael A'Burzynski

TrendBar - Top Medium stories sorted by claps, categories & dates πŸš€


Missing Medium.com Features πŸš€

TrendBar -> Mini App for Sorting Stories by Claps, Categories & Dates.

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Piotr Wicenciak
Hello Hunters! If you have any ideas how we can improve the TrendBar or what functionalities we can add please let us now in the comments because soon we are starting the v.2! We want TrendBar to be a place where you can gather the most popular articles from various sources and sort them depending on their popularity instead of wasting time on searching manually the worthless content to read.
Michael A'Burzynski
@jamesstewart - filters by paid / free article - more categories & tags - more sources like hackernews etc.
FΔ±rat Demirel
@maburzynski hey Michal, thanks for this great tool. It's exactly one of the best Medium tools for writers and more. But i wonder if we can filter posts by tags?
Michael A'Burzynski
@firatdemirel Yes, we will add to the future version. In addition to medium.com, we will also add other website like hackernews etc.
Jianan Li
I don't have a medium subscription. Is it possible to add a checkbox for free article only?
Paul Parsons
What a great tool! Thank you for building and sharing with us.
Manuel Frigerio
Great tool!
Enzo Vergara
I've been looking for something like this. It helps a lot to decide what to read when you don't have much time. I tried making one but this one looks much more polished and it's available on the web! https://github.com/enzosv/easy-ios is what I made
Matej Marjanovic
Hi @maburzynski. This is a great tool. Would you be able to also add design as one of the categories? (https://medium.com/topic/design)
Vikram Kumar
Is it possible to add country has a filter option?
Michael A'Burzynski
@vikrampkumar What do you mean? Language version of the stories?
Vikram Kumar
@maburzynski I mean i would like to know what are the top medium pages for India in different categories. Cause the trends i see here is more skewed to US.
Vikram Kumar
@maburzynski the version of medium is the same, the challenge is how to figure out which medium story is popular in India vs which story is popular in US vs which is popular in europe etc. I am guessing you are currently just scraping medium site? Not sure if you have api access?
Akshay Moorthy
Finally!! People can really think of writing something very current.
Andrew Hollas
would you be able to include all years from 2013-2017 that would make yours way better than topmediumstories.com