Carlos Mendez

Chief AI Chat Data Scientist - End to end data worflows powered by AI

We just entered a new era in Data Science. Starting today anyone is empowered to create advanced analytics. Meet your Chief AI Chat Data Scientist.

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Carlos Mendez
I have some significant news after six years at Datagran. I feel like we've finally hit the sweet spot, right where opportunity and timing meet. That's what persistence in a startup often leads to. Our goal from the get-go was to be the Zapier for Machine Learning, but built for big data. Today, that groundwork pays off. We're bringing in a new chapter of Data Science with our AI Chat Data Scientist. Picture it as the ChatGPT Code Interpreter, but for end-to-end data systems. Our product is set to democratize advanced analytics and Machine Learning. It could serve a marketing professional clustering users or an individual creating a data model for stock investing. This product opens up limitless possibilities and with it we are launching our new communications platform called "The Freedom To Create" which can be seen on our website ( We hope you enjoy it as much as we did building it. Best
Antoni Kozelski
@carlos_mendez1 Congratulations on the launch of The Freedom To Create platform! 🎉I wish you continued success and growth. 🤝 You are starting a new chapter in Data Science with Datagran!
Carlos Mendez
@antonikozelski thanks for the kind words!
congrats on the launch! this is awesome :)
Carlos Mendez
@thinkastral Thanks so much
Cyril Gupta
This looks good! Wishing you success with the launch.
Juan Pablo Velasquez
Congrats! Looks amazing!
Carter Wang
Impressive! Check my site and email me your app details and I can help get your app listed d on my directory and other 100+ AI directories. Feel free to reply if you want to know more.