Jack Smith

Dashlane Password Changer - Update all your passwords in 1-click (early access signup)


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Eric Posen
Can you go a little into how this feature works technically, since I can't think of any sites that have an API available to help facilitate this.
Ashley Thurston
@goeric Sure thing - thanks for your question! You're correct - there are no APIs for this. Password Changer takes the same manual steps that you do when you normally change a password - it logs in to a site, generates a new passwords, saves it on the site and in Dashlane. It can even handle sites with 2-factor authentication or that require additional information. For a more technical explanation than that, you can check out our FAQ for Advanced Users: http://ow.ly/FCSso. We also have a security whitepaper at the bottom of this page detailing the process if you (or anyone else) are curious: https://www.dashlane.com/security. Hope that answers your question, but if not, just let me know. Thanks!
Alexis Fogel
@OurielOhayon thanks for your comment. if you change your mind about switching and want to give Dashlane a try, just know that you can import all your data from 1password to get started easily: http://support.dashlane.com/cust....
Ouriel Ohayon
@alexisfogel Hi Alexis. Actually i know quite well Dashlane. They're even a customer of ours :) but i was always hold back by one thing: the recurring cost/ year which i don t understand. For me a password manager is a utility not a service and i am happy to pay whatever but upfront.
Alexis Fogel
@OurielOhayon Our approach is more like a Dropbox or Evernote…we provide always-free upgrades on every device (i.e., no new fees for additional feature or upgrades). By always maintaining and improving the product, we look at as though we do provide a service. In any case, we have a free version that lots of users choose. And if you refer a friend, both of you get 6 months of premium when they sign up, so you can actually get everything free for a long time.
Ouriel Ohayon
@alexisfogel Yes i do understand your approach but in the case of Evernote of Dropbox i understand why i need to pay per year because the usage of my service impacts directly the cost of their operation and the amount of "ressources" i need from them (ie: space/memory). But i don t get that with a password manager. The variable perception of paying a recurring fee for a password manager does not compute to me. I prefer to pay you upfront 200$...there is also about password managers that are not enough in themselves to drive me to pay for subscription. I saw you had a free option but the lack of sync on it is clearly a deal breaker for me. That being said your product is really well designed and if i had not been hooked to 1P and already paid what i paid for it, i would gladly consider. If this is your model you ll probably be better off in the enterprise world where password management needs to be in the cloud in order to work well
Paul Cothenet
I wish I had had this at the time of Heartbleed. I'm considering switching from LastPass but I have 400+ randomly generated password there. Any way to import them?
@paulcothenet ,Thrilled to see that this new feature pleases you ! We have indeed build import processes for other main password managers to facilitate the switch. For LastPass, you can find the import process right here: http://support.dashlane.com/cust...
This is killer feature but I'm cautiously optimistic since you're now introducing a larger attack surface and area for compromise.
Alexis Fogel
@nery78 Hey Nery, thanks for your comment. I understand you being cautious but without digging too much into details, what we are doing is in a sense no different from what Personal Finance Managers like Mint have done for many years to navigate Bank websites on behalf of their users. We navigate on the Web from one of our servers using the users credentials to login to that website. But what we do is actually more secure than PFMs because we do not store user credential in a form that is readable to us. If you want more details, we explained in our whitepaper the security measures we have taken to make this feature as secure as possible: https://www.dashlane.com/security. ps: love what you guys are doing at Teehanlax :)
Ouriel Ohayon
such a great feature. i wish 1password had this. i don t see myself switching password managers now. not even with that feauture. hope they will catch up
guillaume cabane
This is the greatest thing ever ! Now Dashlane covers the main 3 security rules : 1/ Have a different password per site 2/ Use hard to guess passwords 3/ change your password frequently. I'm sure @guidesnoes could talk more about that.
Guillaume Desnoës
@guillaumecabane We also think it can be very useful in case of major security breach like Heartbleed...
Brett deMarrais
Been a Dashlane user for a while. For my money it is the best and most polished pasword manager out there. Clearly the most innovative with this new feature. Dying to get my hands on it...hint hint
Ashley Thurston
Thanks, @BrettdeM, we appreciate your support! It's great to hear that people are as excited about Password Changer as we are :))
Zac Davies
Very very exciting. I've already invested in the latest version of 1Password but will consider switching if the next paid upgrade doesn't include this functionality.
@ZacDavies Thanks for your interest ! We will give you a warm welcome :)
Johnny Quach
Any solutions for mobile? My problem with random generated passwords is it I can't remember them for my mobile apps (like my bank) :(
Alexis Fogel
@johnnyquachy Your data is synced accross devices (both iOS and Android) so you always have it with you. On Android we have a dedicated keyboard to log you in apps and a multi-tab browser when you need to login / autofill on the web. On iOS we have a Safari extension for autologin and autofill directly in the browser. Hope that helps
Dan Moore
I still haven't found the right password solution, and I gave Dashlane a shot awhile ago. In particular, sharing has never seemed natural to me, and the pricing isn't flexible enough for our team structure. (Lots of clients / guests) I'm currently using Meldium. I hear good things about Mitro and others though.
I used to use Dashlane many months ago, but now you have to pay 39.99 to sync your account across devices?!
Divyadeep Sawhney
Hey, @alexisfogel @arthurrougier I tried using Password Changer today. But, it doesn't seem to be working for me. I can see that Box is on the supported list. But, it's not showing me any option to change Box password using Password Changer. I am using Free trial right now.