
Darkwinds 1.0 - The cryptocollectible trading card game of great pirates


Darkwinds is an Ethereum trading card game, that uses the blockchain for card distribution and storage.

This means all cards issued in the game are a cryptocollectible

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Christopher Aubrey

Looking forward to seeing this game develop!


Full ownership of your cards via ERC-721 token standard, Smooth gameplay


Artwork could use some enhancements. I'm sure this will get better over time.

Devin Finzer
Huge fan of Darkwinds! Really easy to get the hang of the gameplay, and a lot of fun once you start understanding the various strategies.
Though the playerbase is not that huge, the artwork is amazing and the dapp certainly deserves recognition.
Aaron O'Leary
How does the collectible part of the game work?
do you cat?
@aaronoleary Hi Aaron, every card is an ERC721 Ethereum token, it means that every card is non-fungible and that it can be traded in markets like Open Sea using the Ethereum Blockchain. There are 100 designed, and every time a player purchases a new booster pack, the cards are mined and half of them appear more frequently, making the other half rarer. To manage your crypto collectibles, right now we are using Metamask. Hope to answer your question!