Dark Reader - Dark theme for every website, care for your eyes
Dark Reader generates dark themes for websites on the fly. Use the night mode to take care of your eyes. Adjust brightness and contrast to better fit your screen.
Dark Reader generates dark themes for websites on the fly. Use the night mode to take care of your eyes. Adjust brightness and contrast to better fit your screen.
Product Hunt
Dark Reader for iOS
Dark Reader for iOS
Love it. It would be awesome if we could specify a time to automatically turn it on every day.
Pros:Works as advertised. Works on most websites incredibly well.
Cons:Does not turn on automatically at night.
Dark Reader for iOS
This is incredible! You can adjust any site, with specific settings for each if you like. It doesn't need to be all dark or all light; there are in-between settings which makes this incredibly useful.
Cons:None that I can find
Dark Reader for iOS
Dark Reader for iOS
Does the best job it possibly can. 100% execution. Perfect. Etc.
Pros:Turns every website into dark version
ClusterCards 2
Dark Reader for iOS
A extremely useful application with several color/mood settings
Pros:Amazing plugin, delightful implementation on default colors.
Cons:None yet...
Pros:Its making my night time use of the internet way easier.
Cons:Can't find any, yet.
I was so enthusiast about this, until I saw the price.
Pros:Looks really awesome !
Cons:Price is too high !
Dark Reader for iOS