Hey ProductHunt,
We’re super excited to launch the world’s first gesture and voice controlled digital assistant.
We’re giving an exclusive promotion to all Product Hunt members - use coupon code HUNT10 to receive 10% off of our already discounted price. Only active for the first 50 users.
Let me know if you have any questions! You can also reach out to support@daptly.com and Max or I will respond as soon as possible.
I can imagine how it lugging and user trying five or six time to move smth left or right 😂
Sorry, have a bad experience with such movement detection systems. And can’t stop see it in my mind.
video looks really great 👍
@perpetuous Sorry to hear that's been your experience with past products. With our depth data, we're able to track 22 joints in each hand which allows for really high accuracy, and so far it's been an experience that our early adopters enjoy. Since we perform the gesture processing on the device, the latency is also really low.
Thanks for your feedback and I'm glad you liked the video!
@andreasduess We think voice is great for some things but not others. Voice is still a big part of what we do, but we've found people really enjoyed having the combination of voice + gesture. Sometimes it's much easier to swipe to see more content or select an option, especially when your hands are full, while you're playing music, loud background noise, etc. There's also a lot of interesting applications that you can do with depth data that we haven't announced yet.
@tweetle14 cool. I look forward to learning more. Personally I think these hybrid solutions are a step backwards, with the ideal solution being purely voice activated, but I am happy to be proven wrong - not the first time it would have happened. :)
The main issue with products like this is that they require yet another learning curve for yet another human/machine interface. Saying "next" is far more natural than clenching fists, or waving hands. I may as well go back to a touchscreen at that point, apart from the connection not being a direct physical one, the interface idea is much the same.
@andreasduess That's definitely something we had to iron out early in user testing. Figuring out the right level of gestural commands to be immersive without feeling overwhelming was a critical balance, and it's something we'll continue to refine over time. Thankfully there's smart people out there who have helped pave the way for gesture interaction (in case anyone is interested, this is one of my favorite talks on the topic: http://thisweekinstartups.com/kw...).
@liquidchickenqq The mirror unit is sealed and moisture resistant. It's not quite waterproof (don't throw it in the pool) but we designed it to be able to go in bathrooms without any issues.
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