Waheed Barghouthi

Dakwak 2.0 - Localization as a service for your website 🌎💬


Localization as a Service by Dakwak is a website translation and localization platform, to enable small and medium size businesses launch their multilingual websites seamlessly

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Waheed Barghouthi

I'm just being honest answering.


Seamless and Customizable


No real time analytics, updates every couple of minutes

Congrats on launching! How do you ensure accurate translation? @waheedi
Waheed Barghouthi
@abadesi Thanks Abadesi, we use several machine translation engines, and it all depends on the pair of languages, for example, if you are translating from French to English our machine translation quality will be somewhere between 85% to 95%. On the other hand you have the possibility to assign human translators to your website and make the proof reading and editing right on the website itself. Thanks again :)
Ken Savage
Interesting app. How do you deliver the translated content? And would I create this as an additional page on the site such as /interesting-content/es/ or /interesting-content/de/ ?
Waheed Barghouthi
@kensavage Thanks Ken, translated content can be delivered on a new url for each language, for example it can be es.website.com or website.com/es/interesting-content or even website.es Its also possible to communicate using the APIs directly, and relations for translated content will be done automatically
Waheed Barghouthi
For every one who have up-voted, thank you. Please reach out to upvote@dakwak.com to get your discount codes.
Kirill Soloviev
Always nice to see more localization-related products launching on Product Hunt. What makes you guys different from the plethora of incumbents, eg Lokalise or OneSky or Crowdin?
Waheed Barghouthi
@double_u_d that's a good question. Thanks a lot Kirill. We are actually one of the first (if not the first) to the market, launched our first beta in 2010. that's just a timing difference. Our key differentiators are customizability, availability, and viability in an autonomous fashion. Thus making the localization operations at the minimal on your part.