We created the first DaisyDisk with Taras Brizitsky back in 2009, even though the market at the time was chock-full of competition, most of them being free apps. But we thought they all sucked in many ways and decided to build our own the right way. Also because Taras is a storage junkie and his desktop is always stacked with external drives, which all required space management :) Being a UX designer, Taras kept exercising his fine skills on DaisyDisk's UI, gradually refining it to an unbelievable level – something no one else is doing for a mundane thing like disk utility. Nowadays, DaisyDisk is the best-selling disk space analyzer in the Mac App Store. Apple called DaisyDisk the best utility app of the Mac App Store twice in 2013 and in 2011, and featured it in their various editorial collections. There have been about 400 reviews in all Mac media, including the biggest ones.
DaisyDisk is a popular OS X utility that lets you visualize your disk space distribution on the original "sunburst" map, and browse that map to find out what's taking up most space. In just few minutes you can free up hundreds of GBs of space by deleting unwanted files with simple drag and drop.
DaisyDisk 4 is a new version which sports brand new look (matching the new OS X style) and about 20x (sic!) faster scanning (most notable on SSD & 4-core CPU). The upgrade is free for existing users.
@okrupnov Thank you for the app! I can verify that this app works really well. I have CleanMyMac, which is awesome, but it failed to identify 60Gb of junk that I had. DaisyDisk did.
I just used Daisy Disk to free up 200 gb from my hard drive. Much of it was junky old videos that I didn't even realize were buried somewhere on my hard drive.
@andrewwarner A perfect case to illustrate why DaisyDisk is efficient: 1) some people argue they know all files on their disk, but in reality, it's far from always the case, even with pedantic and tech-savvy users. And 2) unlike the "automatic cleaners" the freed up space with DaisyDisk can be enormous, because human is unbeatable in making correct decisions on what to delete, choosing from the biggest space hogs, not just from a predefined list. For example, a video you no longer need cannot be identified by any automation.
I used to use it heavily, other than that I used MemoryClean. But recently I've installed Dr.Cleaner - it contains both functionalities. And it's free :) though I really like DaisyDisks design with it's circular visualizations!
@datbayev Sorry, MemoryClean is for RAM, and DaisyDisk is for hard disk. As for apps like Dr. Cleaner – they belong to a different category – "automatic cleaners". In a sense, it's opposite to DaisyDisk's category. The promise of an automatic cleaner is that it will clean all "junk" on your disk by clicking one shiny button. The downside truth is that they only free up measly few GBs, because they simply delete some pre-defined list of files, which are not necessarily big. By contrast, DaisyDisk shows the biggest files on disk, and leaves the decision what to delete up to the user. The user knows better what he doesn't need, and therefore can free up hundreds GBs. Besides, there are other benefits of such approach, see http://daisydiskapp.com/blog/201...
@okrupnov I would Dr.Cleaner say "automatic cleaner" and "manual cleaner". There is a function called "Deep disk clean", and there's a section called "Big Files". It shows you files that are more than or equal to specified amount of MB. I find this more than enough to see biggest (and probably unnecessary) files on my machine.
@datbayev True that some automatic cleaners display a list of big files, which seems like a sweet bonus, but unfortunately this kind of view isn't very usable. List views show information in text, which requires an effort to read, understand, compare etc. Human mind is better tailored for working with visual information. Besides, the list does not provide any visual cues on where the files are located, and this is perhaps the most important information to make decision what to delete. And there are many other downsides too. We threw away the idea of such lists at the very beginning of our design process.
@jtzou Good old Disk Inventory X. Based on rectangular "treemaps" instead of the sunburst. Unfortunately it's an abandonware now. Last updated in 2006 and sometimes is said to crash on modern OS X versions. Not to mention that DaisyDisk 4 is now up to 20x faster than DIX :)
awesome app! With the version 4.0 of DaisyDisk, you can reaaaaally feel the speed upgrade.
I find this very convenient when you're looking to free up some space (especially if you're on a MacBook Air 128GB like me). Must-have for all Mac users.
Congratz on the release, guys!
@rrhoover – you're a Mac user, right? Try this.
Big fan of the original Daisy Disk I received through a MacHeist round a few years ago - great to see continued improvements to the product! Any iOS/Android version coming out (or out, that I've missed??) in the near future?
@seamushenry Unfortunately, unlike Mac, iOS devices cannot be scanned due to sandboxing. Each app on the iOS device can only scan its own container, but not other containers. This limitation can only be overridden by jailbreaking but we don't consider this possibility. We could develop an iOS app as a "remote control" to scan a Mac disk over network, but cannot see enough reasons to do that as of yet. Android is currently out of consideration.
DaisyDisk is AMAZING. I've been using it for maybe 3 years, and it has been an incredible tool for helping visualize what's taking up storage. Great job @okrupnov & team!
@callmeed SpaceGremlin is perhaps one of the best implementations of the rectangular treemap, written by a young developer. The treemap has its upsides compared to the sunburst map of DaisyDisk, and with good implementation it can be quite usable. We considered this type of maps when we designed DaisyDisk, but our usability tests showed that for most people and most use cases, sunburst works better. Of course we had to introduce quite a few original enhancements to cope with downsides of the sunburst. For example, color coding, sorting by size, varying ring widths, consolidation of small segments to remove visual noise, animations to assist navigation etc.
I received a review copy of Daisy Disk about 2 years ago for my YouTube and I can say that this new version is quite the upgrade. Previously, I'd get Daisy Disk to scan my iMac and go do something else while I waited. BUT with this new update, there's hardly any waiting. Definitely worth a buy.
I definitely need to upgrade. I love how I can visualize where the data lives on my MacBook. This app has been a lifesaver for me when I start getting low on disk space. Truly one of my go to apps.
Been using DaisyDisk for over 5 years (I think). It's amazing. Never have I ever found an easier (and more beautiful) way to manage my hard drive space.
@juanbuis But you can "Show in Finder" and then delete. So I disagree, the trial is in fact fully usable. I'd say even too liberal for a trial for some people to buy ;) It was our own choice, because we use other software a lot and always find it annoying when trial limitations are too strict. So we decided that our trial will not be like that.
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Daisy Disk
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