
Daily Coding Problem - Get exceptionally good at coding interviews


1. Get tailored problems from our experts who have interviewed at top companies

2. Solve problems every day before you get the solutions the next morning.

3. Verify your work and get better at problem solving until you land the job!

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Hi Product Hunters! Daily Coding Problem started out as a simple mailing list between me and my friends while we were prepping for coding interviews. We found that just doing a couple problems every day was the best way to practice. So we decided to solve this problem for others practicing for interviews! How it works: 1. Get tailored problems from our experts who have interviewed at top companies. 2. Solve problems every day before you get the solutions the next morning. 3. Verify your work and get better at problem solving until you land the job! We're using Heroku on the backend with PostgreSQL, Stripe for payment processing, SendGrid for sending emails, and Slack for chat and notifications from our beloved DCPBot: Would love your feedback!
Dre Durr💡
Omg! I hate coding interviews. Anything that helps ease the dagger out a few extra centimeters to make the pain tolerable. I’m down for. Dope🚬🚬
@dredurr Thanks for signing up Deandre! We find that doing just one problem every day ends up being a lot less painful and better for retention. Hope it helps with your interviews!
Markus Riegel
Signed up! I like the idea for the upsell (free questions, pay for solutions). Thanks for listing the tools you've used 👍 Godspeed!
Sam Bauch
I'd like to see a full example of a question and the "complete solution". I'm an InterviewCake customer, and I get the most value from their process of helping the user arrive at the solution. Tips, gotchas, and explanations help a lot more than just a chunk of code that solves the problem IMO. What does a "complete answer" look like from DCP?
@sammybauch Hey Sam, thanks so much for the feedback! We definitely agree that the solutions are a great way to verify your work, and that the reasoning behind the code is crucial. We're looking into ways to give free subscribers a better taste of our solutions. For now, we have some blog posts that go in-depth into a programming problem and solution: Determining whether arbitrage is possible (new!): - Merging K sorted lists: - Choosing a random item from an infinite stream uniformly: - I hope that's helpful!
Jack Pettman
Very cool, thanks for making this. Although I wish code interviews weren't so important.
Jay Weiler
Looks cool! Can you clarify what "Personal founder support" and "Unlimited mock interviews/month" includes in the annual subscription?
Marcel Olszewski
@akrasiac You can request an interview any time where Lawrence and I will personally interview you for a hypothetical position. Personal founder support means you can email us at any time for help! Thanks! :)
Satej S
Loved the product! Have been trying it out for the last month. Problem is, with the work schedule, don't get time to do it religiously. Would love to see the frequency controllable, and the price for the solutions a bit cheaper, or an alternative trial week.
Krishna Nandula
I sent several mails asking for help looks like the founders are too busy to respond to a paid subscriber or i'm not sure i might even replying to a bot service.
Sophie Gao
@krishna_nandula Did you get reply after eventually?