
Cover Letter Generator - Quickly generate cover letters with minimum details


A time-saving tool that generates a cover letter with only your name, the company you're applying to and your skills.

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Jordan Krueger
This.... seems like exactly the opposite of what people should be doing? As a hiring manager, a cover letter is an extremely important part of helping the company understand the context of why your resume is worth considering. If you have a passion for the company's mission, and great alignment with the job description, finding the right way to make that clear in the cover letter is what will help land you the job. If you're generating cover letters with "minimal details," then you're pretty much guaranteeing your resume won't be looked at.
Jason Shen
@jordankrueger Agree ๐Ÿ’ฏ with you. Cover letters are an opportunity for you to show your genuine interest in a company and use your own voice to express why you'll be able to solve their problems. I think what would be more interesting is seeing examples a great cover letters (possibly submitted by hiring managers with that person's consent) to give people inspiration (not to copy it).
Theo Bendixson
@jordankrueger I agree, and there are many situations where you have enough information to say something tailored to the company you're applying to work at. But oftentimes you just don't have more to go on than their website. Applying to jobs is a numbers game. Only a small percentage will reply anyway. I already send generic cover letters when I don't have enough info to go on. This simply automates that process.
Hi Product Hunt! When applying for jobs, I got tired of making cover letters for each company. So I thought it'd be useful to make a custom cover letter generator โ€” just input your name, the company you want to work for, some skills and a project and we'll generate a custom cover letter for you! I'd love some feedback on it. Thanks!
Adrian Salamunovic
@lawrencewu_ hey Lawrence Iโ€™m looking to create a similar free tool for helping product hunters generate press releases for planning PR / product launches. Can we connect?
Matt Silverman
I think this more highlights why cover letters are an outdated and irrelevant part of the hiring process. Applicants don't want to waste time writing custom cover letters for every job they apply to, so they write generic ones. Hiring managers know that most cover letters are generic, so they generally don't read them. I would argue that writing one to two creative sentences about why you want to work for the company is more valuable than any generic cover letter.
Rick Sheahan
I view this as probably not practically useful for most, but a proof of concept for why cover letters are dumb most of the time. At least, the traditional format crammed into the modern web hiring pipeline
Dre Durr๐Ÿ’ก
Dope ๐Ÿšฌ๐Ÿšฌ โ€œHow to make a cover letterโ€ Is a top 5 google search term.
Haha nice gallery @v2s2c ๐Ÿ‘€ Where did you come across this?
Patrick Murphy
Decent idea for engineers with limited written communication skills, but the grammatical errors in the example are egregious. Honestly, you may as well be saying, "I do code gooder."
Ali Khundmiri
Amazing!!, A few suggestions if you will, 1. you can have a radio button to choose what are you applying for, it could be Full-time job or Internship. 2. the text generated, is quite big, if you bold, underline or italic the user's input text, it will be easier for users to scan the cover letter generated. 3. a button on the corner of the text view box to copy text.
Nice job, I built the same sort of thing, but its like 10x more complex, you can check out my product to get an idea, I assume you to feel the same passion as I to automate the job application process and make it a lot simpler for all job seekers!
I recently needed to apply for a very prestigious job and had no idea how to write a resume that would be accepted right away. Then I shifted my attention to these guys - .They assisted me in writing a very good resume for a low price, and the boss was very pleased with it, saying he had never seen such a beautiful resume before. As a consequence, for the third month in a row, I've been working. Company and have nothing to regret. Employees in this field are very skillful in performing their tasks, they approach each client especially and adapt to his professional work experience.
Wally Mahar industryWM
As a person who has difficulty in writing the most simple sentence; I really don't care about people's opinion on Al that appears to distrupt the world they work in. Hmmm, Looking at what I wrote...Really, one doesn't have anything to do with the other... and that sentence doesn't really help the creator or build the product hunt community, Maybe I should just blog this somewhere else....๐Ÿ™„