Upgrade your tech resume within minutes.
Denis Dinkevich
CV Compiler 2.0 — The fastest way to upgrade your tech resume
Designed for software engineers, (product) managers and designers, our app finds weak spots in resumes, and suggests immediate personalized improvements, with examples.
Hung Lee
Interested to follow the progress of this tool!
Andrew Stetsenko
@hunglee Thanks mate!
Filippo Mursia
Always amazing. I remade my cv 6 months ago when they launched, and now I just got a little rework.
Tony Tin Nguyen
The essential tool for the developer. It's quick and effective.
Andre Volkmer

It has everything you need to quickly boost your resume.


Best resume tool I've ever used.



Shamraiz Gul
Congrats @stetsenko_me on the release. Good to hear about the addition of designers, will give it a go again !
Andrew Stetsenko
Thanks, @shamraizgul! I'll be curious to hear your feedback on the designer addition.
Denis Dinkevich
Great news! 🤩
Andrew Stetsenko
@diskevich Thanks again for hunting us today :)
Andrew Stetsenko
Hey Hunters 👋 Super excited to introduce CV Compiler 2.0 today. First off, thank you @diskevich for hunting us again. When we first announced CV Compiler about six months ago, we were overwhelmed by the support and enthusiasm for the product. Thousands of tech professionals have fine-tuned their resumes with the CV Compiler app since then, some have even landed a challenging new job with their new, revamped resumes. So, what’s new in CV Compiler 2.0? Here are some of the changes we're most excited about: - New and improved “resume-checking” algorithms, more tips, examples, and useful content. - Improved UX. - The app now works not only for software engineers but also for less “technical” and creative professions like designers and product managers. - Data-driven insights based on over 5,000 jobs vacancies. - A downloadable PDF file with all suggested improvements. (Now, you can work on your resume even on a plane.) - A newly launched blog with tech career insights. And last, but not least, the current version of CV Compiler also works for freshmen who are learning to code and can be fully granted by your coding bootcamp or university. Click here for details. Give the updated CV Compiler a try today! We’ve got a 10% off promo code for you: PH10. In the meantime, we'll be around all day to answer your questions. Andrew
Aaron O'Leary
Whats new in this version?
Andrew Stetsenko
@aaronoleary Thanks a lot for your question! Hopefully I've answered it in my "intro" comment.
Andriy Mykhaylyuk
CV Compiler is a beautiful​ product, very informative and gives you a ​possibility to iterate few times over your resume and look at it from perspective of a HR Talent person. Makes a lot of sense, most of engineers are great and engineering but fail at presentation of themself. CV Compiler does help with it.
Andrew Stetsenko
@mehal "...most of engineers are great and engineering but fail at presentation of themself." That's something that inspired us to build CV Compiler. Thanks for your support and kind words!
Alex Vishnewvskii
Great product! An easy interface but vast usefulness!
Andrew Stetsenko
@wishnewsky So cool to hear that from a seasoned designer. Thank you, Alex
Andrew Stetsenko
@eulerr Thank you very much
Valentyn Pivovarov
looking forward to seeing like that something for lawyers ^_^ Good luck
Andrew Stetsenko
@valentin_pivovarov Hopefully one day in the future we'll cover lawyers as well :) Thanks
deepesh reshi

This is one product that i have really enjoyed using.


Quick, effective, smart


No cons identified yet.

Sebastian Hoffmann
As a product manager and resume tweaking geek, I really like this product. The parsing and algorithm is not 100% perfect but pretty good. The insights and recommendations, especially for PMs in my case, are very useful. Good job :)
Andrew Stetsenko
@sebastianh Thank you so much for sharing your experience with the CV Compiler app :) There's always room for improvement and we're constantly working on enhancing our product.
UX is amazing. It made for myself the tech CV process easy!
Данил Зиновьев
I wish I had something like this when I was applying for my first job when I was 17. Great tool, kudos to makers!
Iman Nemati

They were generous to give me a free account to test the service and it was great and useful to me


Simplicity, Designed for developers, enhances your resume effectively



Matthew Blode
Amazing product and technology!! CV Compiler gave me a ton of feedback and I've clearly seen an increase in interest from recruiters
Andrew Stetsenko
@matthew_blode It feels so great to hear such feedback from a user. Thanks a lot!
Davide Pugliese

Makes the process easier and your curriculum more effective


Quick, effective, smart


No cons identified yet.