Alex Furman

Zorro by Cloakist - Unlock custom domains and branding on every platform

Stuck on a platform which doesn't offer custom domains or branding? Zorro was built for you.
Turn links like into
Replace logos and branding on public pages with your own branding (ClickUp, Notion, & more)

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Alex Furman
Hey guys! We're building Cloakist to let you put any public site at your own custom domain, with your own branding on each page. We're doing this because a surprising number of big platforms don't allow you to add custom domains or branding. This is a real problem for any business that cares about customer perception, brand integrity and SEO. We noticed a tonne of people complaining about this, so we built Cloakist. Here are the main features of Cloakist: - Put any public site behind your own custom domain — turn into ✅ - Add your own branding to each page — for example, replace third party logos on a page with your own logo. ✅ Here are some example use cases, based on how our early customers are using Cloakist: - Cloak your product's public Confluence knowledge base — e.g. instead of 📚 - Cloak your product's Airtable onboarding form — e.g. instead of 📝 - Cloak a customer-facing ClickUp document — e.g. instead of 📋 We're excited to hear which platforms or public sites you need Cloakist for! 🔥
Moe Amaya
@alex_furman This is awesome! I built a similar thing just for myself but seems much better to have this as a managed service. Is nginx doing the heavy lifting in the background?
Alex Furman
@moeamaya That's awesome! Did you end up using it for anything in practice? We're actually not using NGINX - most of the lifting is done by AWS :).
Natasha Salant
Dzintars Baugeris
Emad Alghamdi
What I'm looking for! but $10 per site is pretty steep specially that a lot of SaaS are going with CNAME nowadays :( please consider more tiers/options in subscriptions. Good luck!
Alex Furman
@emad_alghamdi Thanks for the feedback Emad! So, our pricing is based on the fact that we manage all the hosting for your Cloaked pages. We might look kinda like a souped-up custom URL redirect service, but we're actually more like Netlify or Vercel in a sense! Which platform are you considering using us for? We actually offer a discount for RoamResearch ($5 instead of $10). We might just be able to support your use case at a discount :).
Gundeep Singh
Wow! Got to try it!
Alex Furman
@gndps Awesome! Which platform do you need this for?
Wilson Bright
What does Zorro offer other than Cloakist? How is it different from the launches happening week after week? Is this some kinda of a strategy? I see this is a misuse of ProductHunt.
Alex Furman
@wilsonbright Hi there! Really sorry that this seems to have upset you. The honest answer is that our IP is extremely flexible and quick to iterate on, so we've been able to ship new functionality, implement speed and security improvements, remove unnecessary features (and more) really, really fast. If that isn't making sense, we'd be super happy to jump on a call and chat about our products!