Anna Mandziuk 🇺🇦

How Much Will Your App Cost eBook - Helping you to calculate the REAL cost of your app

How Much Will Your App Cost eBook explains what really affects the mobile application development cost, provides clear answers with real-life examples of the apps that Steelkiwi developed, and discusses various aspects of development.

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Anna Mandziuk 🇺🇦
Hey hey, my dear PH community 😉 Here we are with the eBook that I teased! How Much Will Your App Cost eBook was created by Steelkiwi’s incredible market research team who worked hard to deliver you this quality content✨ The Why🤔 We got the inspiration to create this eBook by talking with our audience and clients. Lots of entrepreneurs come to us with their amazing ideas and huge willingness to create an app but they are not sure how to calculate the cost of their product. Although we always encourage people to book a call with our pros, so that we can explain everything in as much detail as needed, of course, most of them want to do prior research to know at least the basics. Therefore, the How Much Will Your App Cost eBook was created as a way to help out entrepreneurs to determine the approximate value of their project. The What📘 Our eBook talks about the main factors that impact the cost of an app and goes into great detail about each: - Platforms - Design - Features - Developer rates In the book, we also present our real-life projects as examples (with the number of hours) and provide helpful resources for other development questions you might have. The book is completely free and doesn’t require you to provide any of your data. We hope you enjoy looking through it and will leave us your feedback!
Anna Mandziuk 🇺🇦
@sap_devi Yaay, so glad that you enjoyed it! ❤️❤️
Cihat Murat YÜKSEL
It's an idea I've always wondered about. Thank you very much for this solution. Amazing product, good luck Anna 🚀❤️
Anna Mandziuk 🇺🇦
@cihatmuratyuksel Thank you! ❤️❤️
Andrii Kpyto
Good luck!
Anna Mandziuk 🇺🇦
@kpyto Thank you so much, Andrew❤️
Kita Prunchak
Nicely organized and well researched - thank you!
Anna Mandziuk 🇺🇦
@kita_prunchak Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️
David Kamwana
Thanks for putting this together Anna. This will be quite useful as I consider getting help with mobile app dev for OneCrate.
Anna Mandziuk 🇺🇦
@david_kamwana Yay, so glad you liked it, David❤️❤️
Farhan Kabir
Nicely put!! Good luck with the launch, Anna!