Email Automations - Super simple email automation from AWeber.
Send more relevant emails than ever before using AWeber. Create living, breathing campaigns where the emails your subscribers receive are based on the emails they’ve opened and links they’ve clicked in the past.
Join us on 11/16/17 @ 11 am EST or 11/21/17 @ 3 p.m. EST for a live demo of our latest features.
The Closet by Aww, Rats!
This is an awesome product that will really help me segment my audience better and deliver more personalized content.
Pros:Better segmentation for your email audience!
Cons:None. This really gives me everything I've needed for audience segmentation.
The Closet by Aww, Rats!
I'm pretty biased (since I work at AWeber), but I really love the approach to building campaigns with click and open logic in AWeber. I've used a number of different tools that rely on flow-chart UIs, and found that in most cases they're too much for the simple campaigns I most frequently create, or get too cluttered and unwieldy for the complex projects I work on (like Inbox Creatures
I can't wait till AWeber adds even more awesome automations (there are quite a few cool ones coming that I know of).
Pros:Easy to use.
The dependability of AWeber and their 20 year history of deliverability.
Cons:Does not use a visual flow-chart builder (if you're into that kind of thing)