Another incredibly cool product from the Curalate team!
1. Upload a photo or connect your Instagram account
2. The Emojini 3000 will determine the best emoji's based on what is in the photo
From the site:
"For Emojini, we used deep learning algorithms and a whole bunch of imagery to give our servers an ability to guess what Emoji best represent your photos. The results can be uncannily accurate or hilariously bad, but in either case it's still pretty cool."
@torbahax Thanks Andrew. Hope you had as much fun using it as we did building it. For anyone else that's interested, the Curalate engineer and brains behind this, Lou Kratz, wrote a blog post about the more technical details:
I really love the product..
Tried it out myself with hilarious outcomes!
I have an idea for a version 2.0 if you interests and circumstances permit please consider the following proposal for Emojini 3001..
Convert your existing "Emojini 3000" technology into a..
Game where you can guess which emojis..
The Emojini 3001 will come up with for the photo of relevance..
I strongly believe once this becomes a game you could work with FB..
To create a FB app where you can have Emojini 3001 ;) contests..
To guess the emoji predictions for relevant FB photographs..
Fb friends could guess in accordance to the photograph and then..
Poof Emojini 3001 comes out with the relevant emojis..
The person with the closest relevant guesses wins!
My interest was peaked because I really love the existing product and I look forward to sharing with my friends :)
Thanks to your team!
Jaswinder Brar
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