Save and stream all your music discoveries
Omar Uddin — Save and stream all your music discoveries

allen louison
Hey All! My name is Allen and I wanted to give you a quick overview of, a web app that helps you save and play all the music and videos you discover as you surf the web -- all into one collection. HOW IT WORKS If you love hunting for new music and videos by browsing your favorite music blogs, media sites, RSS readers, etc., is a great tool to help you keep all those discoveries in one place. It’s as easy as bookmarking and pinning the music you discover with an interface that, unlike other pinning/bookmarking sites, is optimized for music. Just install the browser extension (we support Chrome and Safari) and you’ll see a button next to songs or videos that you can add to your collection. We support most popular media formats that bloggers and websites use (Youtube, SoundCloud, MP3’s, Bandcamp, HypeMachine, Vimeo, etc.) with more on the way.* JUST ADDED: SYNC WITH SPOTIFY Today, we are also officially announcing a new experimental feature called “Sync with Spotify” which we’ve been testing the last few months. Link your Spotify account and we’ll will automatically sync songs added to your collection with Spotify. HEY, THIS IS GREAT, BUT HOW ABOUT A MOBILE APP? You read our minds! Part of what’s great about the PH community is you’re an early adopter which gives you the chance to influence our product roadmap. Your feedback and support will help us determine if we should move the app up our priority list (or recommend other features if you’d like). Register now and Product Hunt members can request early access to the mobile app when it’s ready. *Content creators/bloggers: we can also provide this functionality for your site w/o having your audience download the extension -- just ask for a private demo!
Marta Dębska
Really cool! I'd love to try that out.
allen louison
thx @martdebska! sign-ups are now open to all, no invite requests needed :)