
Cubego - 3D building block(s)


Build personalized 3D characters and battle in arena.

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Cubego is unique within the crypto gaming space. Cubego pushes the boundary of player’s individuality in crypto gaming as it allows players to create anything they can imagine. Players are provided with different materials in various colors and textures called “Cubego” to craft their own personalized 3D characters and bring life to them. Thanks to blockchain, each character is unique and players have the monopoly ownership over their creations. No one can change, remove or take away their characters. The game offers an interesting mechanics of copyright protection. Players are allowed to clone character model if they are the first one to build it. This copyright ownership is tied to the first created model and transferrable, opening a path for players to monetize their creations. It's exciting to see the dynamics that the Cubego can bring to the gaming world.
Cubego is a blockchain game built on the Ethereum network. In Cubego, you use 3D building block(s), or Cubego(es), to build your very own bespoke and personalised 3D models called Cubegon then send them to combat to earn you rewards With the underlying blockchain technology, Cubego grants you the full ownership of your creations. Every character is unique and comes with a copyright owned by you and protected by Cubego’s smart contracts. No one, even the game developers, can interfere with this right. You can build your squad your way, to freely express your true self and be sure that no one else can replicate your squad.

This project has a very good concept, a great development team, an unsurpassable

technology and a clear vision. And also it is a privilege to be a part of this massive

project. And i would like to invite all the crypto fans throughout the world come and

invest here for a betterment of the future


It's a great token future is bright



Xellen Change

Cubego уникален в крипто игровом пространстве. Cubego подталкивает границу индивидуальности игрока в криптографических играх, так как позволяет игрокам создавать все, что они могут себе представить. Игроки снабжены различными материалами в различных цветах и ​​текстурах под названием «Кубего», чтобы создавать свои персональные персонажи 3D и приносить им жизнь. Благодаря blockchain каждый персонаж уникален, и у игроков есть монопольная собственность на их творения.


думаю это интересная игра


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Junya Shirosaki
I can finally start presale in less than a day!