CSS-Checker (Find Similar CSS codes)
Show Similarity and Diff in CSS Classes & Styled Components
Calvin Li

CSS-Checker (Find Similar CSS codes) — Show Similarity and Diff in CSS Classes & Styled Components

CSS-checker checks your CSS styles for duplications and find the diff among CSS classes with high similarity in seconds. It is designed to avoid redundant or similar CSS between files and to work well for both local developments, and for automation like CI.
Calvin Li
Install: `go install github.com/ruilisi/css-checker` (With go version before 1.17, use `go get github.com/ruilisi/css-checker`). Or download from [releases](https://github.com/ruilisi/css-c...) Run: - `cd PROJECT_WITH_CSS_FILES` and just run: `css-checker` (This can check simularities between classes, and show the diff among simullar classes (>=80%). Colors, long scripts that used more then once will also be pointed out by default. Check `css-checker -help` for customized options.)
Calvin Li
All colors in HEX, RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSLA will be converted to RGBA and compare for color duplication checks.
love this package, helps me a lot. Could this scan the inline styles in js files in future?