Create a local feed to consume tweets of your favourite people on internet without any noise. No authentication required. All the data is stored locally on your machine.
Hello PH 😸
🐦 Sometimes I feel there's a lot of noise on Twitter. So I created a site if you just want to consume tweets in peace. It's also installable as a PWA if you want to keep it handy.
Cheers 🙌
I love this idea and really creates a calmer space to catch up on twitter accounts. The only thing I miss is hyperlinks working in the tweet and maybe image thumbnail support - but otherwise, really dig this deconstruction of twitter!
@thelittlewonder@rossdcurrie I think in general getting rid of additional noise from feeds, ads, and 'other stuff you may like' from twitter. I much prefer seeing images in my feed than just text all the time. I know it may counter the main purpose of this dev, but was just my initial feedback. Still love the work done on it
Thank for building this useful product but, I can’t use on that on safari on iPhone
In safari ,in edit list modal I cant delete old items in list because delete button is not showing
ok... how this work? Do I need to get the code and use it on my own server? I really want to know how to use this code as my personal website. any ideas?
@thelittlewonder yeah, got it! I would like to use this service as a news aggregator by subscribing to news accounts, but without showing pictures it's not very useful. Do you plan to add pictures support? Also the links in tweets remain inactive, it would be great to recognize them.
Native Leaf
Brutal Teardowns
it is what it is 👁👄👁
Brown Noise