Raman Ksaitor

Crypto Wordle - Wordle, but with crypto words, surprisingly hard

Crypto Wordle is a spin off of the original Wordle game, but with crypto words! How well do you know your crypto lingo, anon?

Share your results. New wordle crypto world every day.

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Raman Ksaitor
gm hunters 👋 We’ve been checking two weeks ago on the Wordle crazy and been surprised no one built a crypto version of it. Well. One weekend of hacking later we are excited to share with your Crypto Wordle! 🛠️ Built with React and TailwindCSS. There are a few existing react-based implementations of wordle already, but we didn't go with any of then. In our case we had to have variable wordle length. As there are only a few 5 letter crypto words out there. So surprisingly (or not) building wasn't the hardest part. Coming up with worlds was! So far we only gathered only 64 words and need more! 🤔 **What words should we add to the dictionary?** They can be 3 to 8 characters in length and must be crypto / blockchain / web3 related please 🙏
Good one. Congrats! Are there many people with crypto knowledge?
Raman Ksaitor
@basharath quite a lot of people actually :D
Alex Walker
Would seem natural that the pool of all 10 letter words is a lot smaller than 5-letter words. Taking the answers from a crypto subset of that pool seems really small. It's not the same word every day, is it? ;-)