Crumbles - Turn text messages into awesome video. Now in app form!

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Jon Dobrowolski
I can't wait for an open Crumbles api. Need legit Slack plugin stat.
Ryan Hoover
@jonatisokon Slack integration = genius
Brett Goldstein
this is awesome! how did you guys pull this off technically? is there an API you're using that has video subtitle data?
James Ritchie
@thatguybg Hey Brett – we manually cut the videos and matched them to words and phrases. We're using a trie data structure that then matches phrases to videos that are stored on S3 and cached using cloudflare.
Brett Goldstein
@samejr got it - that must be why there are only a handful of clips available. I would love to see this done programmatically - let me know if you guys ever go down this route.
James Ritchie
@thatguybg It's definitely one of the keys to scaling this type of app. We'll keep you posted.
James Ritchie
Hi everyone – I’m pleased to announce the launch of Crumbles, the app that turns your text messages into cool video mashups. If you’re curious, please download and have a play and i’ll be happy to answer any questions.
Crumbles is fun as a website, but the app version is even more useful (read: distracting)
Ali Ahmed
Really loved this when it came out, will definitely try the app :)
Silly, but fun
Tom Kelsey
This is great. Nothing more to say other that it's a really fun idea!
Gourav Das
One of those apps which I want to use, but can't !! Iphone Only
Gluck Deedz
What happened with this app? Can't find it anywhere.
cary and michael
Hey guys!
cary and michael
I just saw a GOLD DIGGER today!!
cary and michael
I could tell because she asked for money and asked for MORE!!!!!!
cary and michael
Umm guys?
cary and michael
She took my wallet
cary and michael
cary and michael
She's running
cary and michael
And I got her