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David Mungai

Panel-Hunt — Engage with the product hunt community in real time

Panel-Hunt is a live streaming web app made for the product hunt community. Create panels and start discussions with an audience, get feedback from potential users and build a community around your product in real time.
Nishith from True Sparrow
:) I checked the product, clicked around before realising it is just a concept MVP. Cool idea though. Would love to see it turn into a reality.
David Mungai
@nishith_shah Thank you. Yeah its just to showcase the concept, though you can create panels add other panelists and invite people to watch them, it just might be a bit buggy
David Mungai
Hello hunters, I am David a founder at Crumble. We made Panel- Hunt as a passion project over the last day and thought why not share it. Our main product at crumble is ( check it out to save on cloud costs. Where the idea came from? I was hanging around product hunts discussions section when I came across an interesting post. I scrolled down the comment section to see what others thought, a hunter was intrigued by the post and said she would love to hold a panel to discuss further and that's when I got the inspiration. Why? Product hunt is arguably the most valuable community on the internet. No where else will you find such a vast number of tech lovers, investors, builders and sales execs. The knowledge the members on this platform have is definitely worth sharing, in a better medium than text. So this is me just submitting a feature request to the PH team if they're reading this, hopefully they take this idea and ran with it :) Keep in mind we built this in a day, if there's bugs please report them here. It's nothing fancy just a concept MVP.