As a company grows, their Slack channels can quickly turn into a spaghetti mess of conversations. Enforcing the use of threads by policy alone can be difficult, so Crochet helps nudge user behaviour and boost productivity.
I was on Slack one day and there were multiple time-critical issues ongoing within a channel. It became difficult to keep track of who said what and in response to whom. In the aftermath, it was decided that threads should be the sole method of organization. In the weeks following it was clear that best intentions don't change habits overnight, so I hopped on Slack's app directory and searched for a solution. Existing solutions were priced weirdly or were too expensive for what was needed, therefore I built my own!
I would be interested to hear if this has been an issue for others and if something like this would be useful. The idea with this application was that people only need a light reminder or guide for their habits to change and Slack already does all the heavy lifting as an amazing messaging tool.