Alexandra Murtaza

Creative Tim Bits - Code snippets for easier coding

Creative Tim Bits is an awesome library of Bootstrap snippets that helps developers to avoid typing repetitive code. It provides ready to use components, no need to download an entire theme!

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Alexandra Murtaza
👋 Hello there, I'm Alexandra, and I'm part of the team that created Creative Tim Bits. Bits by Creative Tim is an awesome library of free Bootstrap code snippets designed to help web developers to avoid typing repetitive code. We know that the programming routine can be tiring so we wanted to ease your work, saving you from unnecessary amounts of keystrokes 😎 From cards to landing pages templates, you can find almost any component you need, ready to be implemented to your web app. The snippets are also shareable so that if you are working on a team project, your code will be more consistent and readable. Creative Tim Bits are built with our popular products: Material Kit, Argon Dashboard, Now UI Kit; so if you know them, you'll probably fall in love with these code snippets. ❤️ Below are some useful links if you want to contribute and give feedback: 📌 Creative Tim Bits link: 📌 Github Repo: 📌 Other Free products from Creative Tim: 😍 Let us know what you think. Your feedback is very valuable, as it helps us continuously improve our product.
Aaron O'Leary
Oh this is pretty interesting. I use bootstrap for basically any side project I am making, going to give this a shot
Vlad Burcin
An easy to use, intuitive library with literally any template you would want. Whether you are in need of an E-Commerce template, Admin Dashboard or a Landing Page, it's there. Plus, you're saving a lot of development time that can be allocated elsehwere. Congrats to the team!
Zoltán Szőgyényi
Although there are lots of snippets websites for Bootstrap, these are definitely the most beautiful ones that I'd actually use. Good job Creative Tim team! 😊
Dragoș Drg
Simple to use. Quality Design. Very helpful. Congrats Creative Tim !
Teo Deleanu
Looks amazing!
Iryna Lavrova
A really very interesting product
Mircea Dima
Quality good looking UI components!
Mayank Dubey
How is this different from Bit
Alexander Fleming
This would be great for developing my website. Amazing product!
Fernando Nikolic (
Perfect for builders who want to tweak a theme or even build from scratch. Upvoted!
Alex Reibman
Looks great! Any plans on component-izing these snippets in a JS framework like React?
Alexander Slash
Very useful and powerful! Congrats Creative Tim!
Ashvin Panicker
Been a fan of your admin-panels and UI components since the early material UI days! Keep up the awesome work :)