Kevin William David

Coverr - Beautiful, free videos for your homepage background.


Coverr is a resource for FREE stock videos, no catch! No registration required. Coverrs are videos that are made to fit as a beautiful video background but you can use them for any need, including for commercial and noncommercial use.

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Yoav Hornung
Hi everyone, Yoav here, one of the "founders" of Coverr. why the dashes? Coverr was built as a joint initiative between two startups "Veed.Me" & "CodersClan". Since we experienced the need of homepage background videos from both sides; Video & Code, we decided to build something that will give these, for free - to the community. Basically, Coverr lets you download any video that you want (mp4+webm+ogvimage) AND it also gives you code snippets to help you implement them (html,css,javascript). It's copyright free and always will be. We will upload 7 new videos of 12-15 seconds each every Monday. we shoot them especially for Coverr. Please let us know what you like, what features you'd like us to add. it's very basic now, but it works :) We hope you like it, CodersClan & Veed.Me teams
Marc Marius Mueller
@yoavush This reminds me a little bit of Unsplash and similar sites that frequently upload free photos. Glad to see there is now an equivalent for videos. I'm looking forward to playing with it a bit more. I really like that you already include the different formats + poster JPG. Sadly the example I downloaded (birds) looks rather pixelated. Do you generate them automatically?
Yoav Hornung
@muellermm hey! We love unsplash! Actually, it's funny you mention the birds video, we just found out that our conversion got something wrong there, we will upload a new one shortly!
Yoav Hornung
@thepaulcurran That's a challenge! we'll see about that :)
Steven W
@yoavush Very cool service. I can't think of a use for it now but if I do, I know where to find the assets. Thanks!
Illai Gescheit
@drorco @yoavush, Love the idea. There are a lot of free stock photo websites, but not many high quality free stock video sites that provide a code snippet that I can easily use in my projects. In addition, seeing two startups join forces to create a new product of which the entire community can benefit is an awesome initiative, and I wish to see more joint projects like this. Kudos guys!
Dror Cohen
@illaigescheit Thank you Illai for the very kind words :) We can't wait for our next initiative!
Yoav Hornung
@illaigescheit I second @drorco and thanking you so much for the kind words. It really is an amazing experience to join forces with another startup, especially while trying to build something that will serve this great community of ours.
Andrew Nater
@illaigescheit you'll also enjoy for curated, web ready, looping videos. It's great to see these resources growing in popularity :)
Illai Gescheit
@a_nater Looks great! I really liked the fitness video :) I agree - as the usage of video in web design becomes more popular, more high quality resources are essential like and Thanks for sharing.
Parker Agee
Love free assets! Thanks for this site. A few questions: 1. Shouldn't you include .OGV file type as a for Firefox? 2. Your CSS does not address mobile/tablet. Videos should be swapped out with .JPG or .GIF on mobile. Worth adding to the documentation?
Dror Cohen
@parkeragee Hey Parker, Thank you very much for your feedback! Hopefully in the following week we will be adding support for mobile devices and OGV files.
Anuj Adhiya
Added to my Stock Videos collection:
Yoav Hornung
@anujadhiya sounds right, thanks :-)
Yoav Hornung
<<< Promo>>> Hey fellow hunters! As all coverrs are 12-15 single shots, We edited 2 cool, fun sequences(multiple shots) that you can download using the product hunt link We hope you enjoy it.
Jade Clark
What an awesome back story! Love it. Also love your product. Opens the door on a lot of "diy" templates I've wanted to try but didn't have video for. Low risk testing is something that always seems to trigger me into making a proper, real investment in a more customized/tailored version of whatever "it" is down the road. Can definitely see this happening here. Few themes I'd love to see - since you asked! :) - up close of someone's screen that was using photoshop or something like that up close of an old type writer - coworking space/looking out into open office
Yoav Hornung
@jadenyc thanks a bunch for the kind words! so - just wrote down the Close-up ideas and will try to get them up, sounds like it can be relevant to many people in our space. might just make it a bit out of focus to keep it general. As for co-working space, it will be up, too :)
+1 for the code snippets. More of that all the time. Nice work.
Erik Dungan
This is really awesome. I'm not sure if you accept outside video sources, but I have a project on GitHub and you're welcome to use/add the videos:
Yoav Hornung
@callmeed Hi there, glad you like it. First of all, we are considering to let other people submit videos that we will curate and add to the Coverr collection so it might definitely become an option soon. Secondly, I like your project, love the baseball video but the link to see all videos didn't really direct me to another page..
Ariel Jalali
I've long wanted an ambient TV channel to watch while working (see Norwegian slow tv)
Dror Cohen
@nfedoroff Hey Nick, thanks for the feedback! I'm happy you found the code useful! :)
Great product, Thanks
Yoav Hornung
@idanbenporat Thanks a lot! :)
Craig Barber
Great work guys, shows there is interest when you hit on a particular need for a certain type of video. Will be good to see the collection grow over time.
Yoav Hornung
@craigjbarber thanks for the nice words Craig. Yes - it seems like our assumption about people needing "coverr videos" was right, so we just hope that people are happy with the videos :)
Craig Barber
Are you guys gonna keep adding the the pool of videos or distribute in sets like Fancy Footage Club?
Yoav Hornung
@craigjbarber It will be kind of a mixture. We will add 7 new videos every Monday (today!) but we did get some requests to add a newsletter option, so it seems like we will add this option. What are your thoughts about it?
Craig Barber
@yoavush If you want folks coming back to your site often, I would definitely build your bank of videos, and have all of them there and available at any given time for download. Think - they just keep adding to their collection. You can still have your newsletters / email subscribers as well. It doesn't make sense to have collections only available for a limited time to be honest, don't know why some folks do it.
Yoav Hornung
@craigjbarber Definitely. All videos will always be available for download. that's why we say that we ADD videos every Monday and not replacing. Unsplash is a great positive example. emails will only be there as reminders or updates about new features.
Rollo Wenlock
Great idea!
Yoav Hornung
@rollowenlock Thanks mate ;)
Raymond Duke
My browser doesn't seem to like it (Chrome on a MacBook Pro). I love how fast it looks, but it causes my windows and cursor to hang up.
Yoav Hornung
@raymondduke Hey Raymond, can you please elaborate on what's the problem you're experiencing? I'm with Chrome on a MBP and it works fine, so - happy to learn more about the problem.
Raymond Duke
@yoavush Sure, my browser freezes for 5-10 seconds at a time when viewing your site, which means I'm unable to click, scroll, or do anything else cursor related.
Shachar Shamir
Really liked the idea. Well done.
Yoav Hornung
@shashamir Thank you very much :)
Yoav Vilner
We are going to use it for sure. Good job guys
Yoav Hornung
@yoavvilner Thanks! can't wait to see your site with a Coverr! :)
Kelley Muro

This could be good if quickly grows their library. Or it will just end up

like the rest of the stock video sites that have tried to do this. Once my drone

is fixed I would love to contribute to the site to help get more footage.


Good quality footage


not enough footage