Tony Spiro

Cosmic Media - Search high-quality stock photos, videos, AI images and more


Search millions of high-quality stock photos, videos, and vectors from popular online media services: Unsplash, Pexels, Giphy, and Pixabay from one convenient interface. Also includes AI-generated images from OpenAI.

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Tony Spiro
Hey there Product Hunters 👋 Tony here from Cosmic. We are excited to announce the Cosmic Media extension which enables you to search millions of photos, videos, and gifs from the most popular online media services: Unsplash, Pexels, Giphy, and Pixabay, and download from one convenient location. You can also use AI to generate any image that you can think of from a simple text prompt. How to use it You can use Cosmic Media to search and download media manually, or you can install it in your Cosmic project as an extension to save media directly in your project. View the extension page here. The code is available open source, so feel free to fork and extend it to suit your needs. Check it out and let us know what you think in the comments. Thank you, Tony
Tony Spiro
@jackson_huge Thank you Jackson!
This is really handy , Just introduced it to our product design team. Congrats on the launch guys! 🎉
Tony Spiro
@soroushmalekyari Glad to hear it. Thank you!
Cyril Gupta
Looks like a great project! Congratulations
Iqra Arif
Cosmic Media's potential for content marketing is noteworthy! How does it ensure that the generated media aligns with the intended message and target audience?
Ronan Hardy
Cosmic Media's AI-driven creativity is impressive! How does it balance user input with its own creative suggestions to generate visually stunning media?
Yaşar Öztürk
Cool idea and product! Kudos for the launch!!🚀🚀
Best Of AI
Your launch showcases the power of persistence and innovation. Congrats!
Ahmad Ali
Congrats on the launch guys!