Coruscant Pulse - 4: Inquisitors and Alderaan
3 friends discuss all things Star Wars
James Mazza

Coruscant Pulse Episode 19: Legendary Threats! — Dave and James discuss instability in the SW Universe!

James Mazza
This was a really fun and neat episode discussing a lot of the threats from the Legends EU. I recommend taking it out if you are curious about some of what made the old books and comics tick!
Jake Crump
@james_mazza22 I love this podcast. I've always been a fan of the main films, but this podcast really makes me want to dig into all the other Star Wars media like the books and comics. Keep up the great work!
James Mazza
@jakecrump Thanks so much Jake! So much information used to exist before Disney wiped the EU. As you can see from listening a lot of good EU is worth checking out but a lot isn't too.