Michael Seibel

Inflation Scenario Simulator by Corrily - See how inflation affects your SaaS revenue and plan ahead


With global inflation on the rise, differing across economies, and evolving over time, it puts pressure on companies to set prices correctly. Simulate different inflation scenarios and see their effects on your real revenue if you don't adjust for inflation.

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Abel Riboulot
Hey Product Hunt! šŸ‘‹ Not a day goes by without us reading something on the news about inflation, with many economists expecting inflation to remain high in the coming years. Similarly, many subscription companies don't realize how inflation is eating into their real revenues if they don't adjust their prices. We made this straightforward inflation tool where by simulating different inflation scenarios, companies can figure out how much their SaaS product should really cost under different inflation scenarios, and can visualize how this loss in real revenue grows and adds up over time. We hope that this tool helps companies understand when to adjust their prices and by how much. šŸ™ As always, we're happy to answer questions and we'd love to hear your feedback. Share below or ping me at abel at corrily.com ! (Also psssst we're recruiting over there: https://corrily.crew.work/jobs)