Siobhán James

CopyFrame - Where pro copywriters draft and present their copy

CopyFrame is a Notion-style writing and wireframing tool that lets you write copy directly into simple layouts, then share it with clients for review. So that they can visualize, approve, and implement your copy the way you intended when you wrote it.

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Siobhán James
Hi, I'm Siobhán (pronounced "Shiv-awn"). I'm a copywriter and I hate wireframing. 👋 Copywriters need to wireframe so that our clients can visualize how the copy will look on the page. It means less feedback, better results, and usually higher rates. But the only wireframing options out there are made for designers. And NONE of them are designed to be written in. (Don't say it – being able to drag a textbox onto a canvas ≠ a good writing experience!) I tried Balsamiq but it looked amateur as hell... I tried Figma but it was too fiddly... I watched Jo from CopyHackers using Photoshop and thought "oh hell no"... So I spent three years as a professional copywriter creating invisible tables in a Google Doc to share with my clients. Unprofessional and fiddly – but it was the best option I could find. Then one day, I tried to make a table look like a button. The table disappeared completely. The previous paragraph indented itself. An image straddled the edge of the page. In the distance, sirens. I thought, "This is really, really stupid." And I made CopyFrame. It's a Google Docs-style wireframing tool that lets you write copy directly into simple layouts. So that clients can visualize your copy without the need for complicated UX design tools that were designed for... well, designers. If you're a freelance copywriter who wants to focus on writing, and you find wireframing an unwelcome chore at the end of each project... CopyFrame is for you.
Lilly Beer
@siobhanjames Congrars on the launch Siobhán! It is amazing to follow your journey! Cheering for you! 🤩🏆
Mark Townsend
@siobhanjames This looks great, keen to try it out. When will you open it up to people on the waitlist?
Deniz Savkay
This looks like something that's really needed, congratulations
Garen Orchyan
Big congratulations on the launch Siobhan. CopyaFrame looks quite promising. Best of luck today 🎉🦄
This is a really good concept. Especially when we have been living in the news drive world where “real” content is lost. Super stuff @siobhanjames 😇
Abc Oyewo
Wow! This is so amazing and I'm so excited for this event
Bob WIlsey
This looks fantastic, eager to give it a try. When will you make it available to those on the waitlist?
Saif Khan
Can’t wait to give it a try!
Hey @siobhanjames What features does CopyFrame offer to aid freelance copywriters and laymen in wireframing and visualization of their copy?
Kaka Muia
Congrats on CopyFrame, Siobhán! Finally, a no-fuss way for us writers to show off our copy in layouts.
Congratulations.The features of copy frame will help shape business communication
Kevin T.
Why would a copywriter care about wireframing? I have 20 years in UX and 30 in design, and have also written copy, and have never once heard of a copywriter creating wireframes.
Ruhi Das
Very good concept.. eagerly waiting to try out
Yes good job and honestly
Maggie Riley
Not the invisible tables 😭😂 I feel it -- love this idea!