Khaled Garbaya

Contentful to Figma - Enrich your Figma design with real data from Contentful

This plugin allows you to pull content From your Contentful space and map it to you Figma design. You specify which Content Type you want to visualize in your design and the plugin will fill in your design with real data.

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Oleg Stirbu
I'm a simple man. I see a useful Figma plugin, I press upvote.
Khaled Garbaya
Hi there, As a developer, I don't get to do design a lot but when I am building something I want to map it to real data. Since I use Contentful a lot for storing my data I thought I'd build a plugin to help me with seeing my design as close to real-world as possible and I think other people can benefit from this. P.S. If you appreciate this plugin, I would be super excited to have you share it with your friends.
Hunter Becton
Nice! I’ll have to start using this for my site and maybe do a video about it on my YouTube channel.
Khaled Garbaya
@hunterbecton Let me know how it goes and if you have any feedback please let me
Darshan Gajara
Whoa, this is so cool. Can't wait to give it a try.
Sofia Long
Not bad, I can get used to it