Paul McReynolds

Conspire - Leverage your extended email network to get the best intro.

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Paul McReynolds
@rrhoover There are definitely similarities. We're focused on connecting people via the strongest path in their existing networks. It's similar to LinkedIn's introductions feature, but with a strong awareness of strength of connection, so you get better results. RelateIQ is working toward a connection strength index, but so far the focus is on CRM. It's a very cool product.
Andreas Klinger
Awesome. Prototyped a similar product once. Love to see this now done properly
Fletcher Richman
This product is absolutely amazing for job hunting and raising money. I recommend it to friends all the time. @pauljmcr and team are awesome.
Paul McReynolds
Thanks for checking out Conspire. We analyze email to understand who knows who and, in a very accurate way, how well. Then we show you the best path through your extended network to the person or company you want to meet. Let us know what you think!
Ryan Hoover
Although it's a much different product, it has similarities to RelateIQ. What do most people use Conspire for, @pauljmcr?
Miles Matthias
a. Boulder++ b. This is really interesting. "Unlock" is definitely the right word. I had no idea I could get an intro to Mark Cuban. I'll be using this in the future.
Tyler Hayes
Also @pauljmcr this is a double-post. NBD, just want to let you know so you can see the fans who originally posted Conspire to ProductHunt ;) at
Paul McReynolds
Thanks all for the support. Let us know if there's anything missing as we continue to iterate. And thanks to ProductHunt for the exposure!
david kim
I really like this product - a friend just introduced it to me. For me, 1) I like seeing the dashboard analytics (bit like quantified self) and 2) it works well a a CRM (when it tells me who the hot and cold 'friends' are).
Misha Chellam
Super late to this party, but on the RelateIQ point, a key difference is that Conspire is free, and RIQ is not. cc @pauljmcr @rrhoover