Thomas Schranz ⛄️

Consistent Beta - Get six pack abs in 16 weeks

Work with a coach, a community, and a suite of tools to help you reach the best shape of your life in the next 16 weeks. You put in the work, and we keep you on track. Delivered to you for $799, at a 100% money-back guarantee, with an interesting catch :).

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Stepan Parunashvili
Hey PH! This is Joe and Stopa. Both of us are programmers [1]. For the last few years, we’ve been on a journey to “get six pack abs”. To do this, we hired a personal trainer, created a mini-community within our friend group, and built custom tools for ourselves, to create a sort of “Datadog for our fitness”. 3 months ago, we had a realization: what if we tried to create a company that did this? A combo of a nutrition coach, personal trainer, community, and custom tools that helps you get in the best shape of your life. We weren’t experts, so we started off by launching a free cohort, and signing up 20 people. So far, folks have lost an average of 5LBs over the last 2 months. A majority of our users said they’d be disappointed if Consistent stopped to exist. It started off with an Excel spreadsheet and a Slack group. But very soon, it turned into (a) a Slack bot, (b) a mobile app, and (c) a curriculum, that progressively sets you up with the habits to reach and maintain the best shape of your life. [2] Solutions in the space are fragmented, have poor technology, and rarely deliver. With Consistent, you get a bundled set of curriculum and tools to help you learn what you don’t know you don’t know, and make progress. The program is 4 months, and costs 799 (200 dollars each month). This is equivalent to 2 sessions with a personal trainer a month. To keep us aligned, we’re offering a unique 100% money-back guarantee: If at any point you choose to leave the program (even 1 day before close), you can get your money back. There’s one catch though. We ask that you weigh yourself everyday, log your food everyday, and log your exercise everyday. In addition you need to send a reflection once a week as well as a shirtless progress photo. If you start missing days we’ll send you an automated follow-up. Miss those follow-ups and we’ll manually intervene. If you miss too many days in a row, we’ll have to let you go from the program, and we’ll donate your payment to the charity of our choice. This way, we only get paid if you succeed, and the money can work for you as an accountability factor. This is early stages. We want to sign up 20-25 people for the Cohort, which starts in October. If you’re interested, please let us know! [1] The story: [2] Product demo:
Thomas Schranz ⛄️
Kudos @ launching ?makers 🥳
Giff Huang
Exactly what I needed!
Luba Yudasina
hoping I can join this cohort, so excited for this!!!
Jacky Wang
Summer #2022 LFG! 🔥
Thea Mark
Congrats on your launch!
Gua Tabidze
Thinking of workout a little bit(more) to be qualified for one of the next Cohort. All the best team! Sopa 🔥
Stepan Parunashvili
@gtabidze Thank you! Rooting for you