Connective: B2B Marketplace
B2B Digital & Curated Data Monetized
Pratham Doshi

Connective — We connect businesses through a chat application

Connective is a b2b chat app with a discovery page to find businesses by industry and location, an add-to-my-network page to connect with them, and a messaging feature for seamless communication. Grow your business connections with Connective.
Pratham Doshi
Hello Everyone! The business community is full of founders, entrepreneurs, owners, and hustlers who are always in search of support and collaboration. Whether I am selling b2b or b2c services a business to business communication is something essential. Introducing Connective! Connective is a messaging platform designed for businesses to collaborate. Please get started.
Sounds interesting Pratham. Congratulations on the launch!
Mike Nguyen
great ui design lol. curious is this supposed to be a slack replacement?
Pratham Doshi
@mike_nguyen20055 we are not necessarily onboarding teams to communicate but SMBs and other companies that can be contacted for partnerships. We are trying to enable referral partnerships through chat.