Paul Jarvis

Company of One - Why staying small is the next big thing for business

Company of One is my latest book that helps a business or startup of any size determine when and if growth makes sense.

The book includes my own 20 years of experience, as well as countless studies and stories from founders like: Jason Fried, Danielle LaPorte, Rand Fishkin, Chris Brogan, and many more.

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Paul Jarvis
Hey all, happy that my book is finally available in hardcover, paperback, digital and audiobook formats, around the world in places like Amazon, Book Depository, Indigo, and even physical book stores (those still exist!) Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. You can also see some of the press it's received (and interviews I've done) here:
Jeroen De Prest
@pjrvs what is the difference between the yellow and white version? On audible I see there is a difference in length. 😕
Paul Jarvis
@jeroendeprest Yellow is UK, White is US/CA. the difference in length is because there are different narrators for each version. i have different publishers in different regions, hence all the differences...
Jeroen De Prest
@pjrvs So content would be the same for both?
Paul Jarvis
@jeroendeprest correct, i only wrote the one book :)
El Maurisa

Just get the book on Audible to ensure you complete it.


This book is an instant classic and reference.



Francesco D'Alessio
By my desk and on the reading list! Excited - thanks @pjrvs
Jędrzej Rayski
I was waiting for this book long time. Concept of unscaling and staying small on purpose is really resonating with me. Can’t wait to read the book 🙌
Looking forward to having a read, great to see a book going against the general consensus and in line with my own work philosophy.
David Cuffe
Just up to the last chapter. A great book. I just wish I had read it two years ago before I expanded. A must read for anyone starting out.
jan van iperen
Almost halfway through the book... having followed Paul a couple of years now and having learned a lot through his Sunday Dispatches and Chimp Essentials... I thought I knew what to expect. My expectations are already exceeded. Am reading and listening to continue the flow and make notes continuously. As an owner of a company of one with side projects... this book is a superb stimulus for both re-aligning and fine-tuning. Can't wait to finish it. And this is the third person in 1 week that in writing or conversation mentions the "work off-grid next to nature in 🇨🇦Canada", do not know what that does with me, but I may explore that too. Hahaha.
Leon Overweel
Congrats on the launch Paul! Just got the kindle edition - can't wait to read it.
Jason Resnick
I got my copy in the mail and looking forward to diving in. I loved the podcast series and the first chapter so far. With all the external forces talking about growth and scale, my mind has always been on the theme of staying in my lane. I'm comfortable with the reality that I like my company to be small, but that doesn't mean that I can't grow. More importantly it doesn't mean that I can't optimize and be super profitable. Thanks for writing this @pjrvs !
Paul Anderie
Love it and already waiting to get it in my hands. Thanks @pauljarvis for this piece.