Edward Sturm

Commit Club - Join a daily challenge and become your best self


Build new habits and reach big goals through the power of social accountability and cold hard cash. Join a daily challenge or do a custom one. Make money if other people don't follow through.

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Edward Sturm
Hey everybody! This is our second launch of Commit Club - and we've iterated a ton. The heart of Commit Club is doing a daily challenge - either reaching a big goal, building a new positive habit, or quitting a bad one. A major update we put in is Accountability Partners - where you can name friends and family to receive daily updates and hold you accountable if you're not doing your habit. We added email reminders in case you don't want to use partners but still want automatic daily reminders to check-in. We added query parameters for challenge creation - so you can hyperlink daily challenges or send a friend a challenge to commit to. We added challenge presets - many more challenge types to try right on the first screen. The free challenges have not changed - they're still there. Pledging money on your ability to follow through with a challenge remains. And you can still make money from the people who can't stick with their commitments. This is a crazy passion project and we hope everybody likes it!!
Edward Sturm
@savian_boroanca Woop! Thank you!
Edward Sturm
@luke_button Thank you my man!
Edward Sturm
@rissy_miranda Thank you Rissy!
Eka Oktaviani
Amazing Features @edward_sturm
Mihai Sluser
The idea looks good
Farisa Ottaviano
@edward_sturm congratulations 🎉 good luck!
Edward Sturm
@farisa_ottaviano Thank you Farisa!!
Igor Vinidiktov
cool project!
Edward Sturm
@igor_vinidiktov Thank you Igor!!
Advait Vaidya
Congrats on the launch!!. Crazy concept. Can multiple members commit to same goal? And all will make money if someone flunks out?
Edward Sturm
@advait_vaidya3 Yes and yes!
anshul kaushik
Amazing stuff @edward_sturm , Congratulations on the launch.
Adriana Virlan
There is no way to continue being lazy with this app. I really like what you've done with it. Can't wait to use it 🚀
Edward Sturm
@adriana_virlan We hope so!
Anna Efimova
@edward_sturm wow! good luck!
Edward Sturm
@anna_efimova3 Thank you, Anna!!
Huy Doan
Wow the idea looks good! Congrats guys on the launch!
Vishal Godhwani from Brew Money
Super cool idea. Quick question, since money is involved is there a way to verify if my challenge partner is doing his bit? :P Either way, this seems to be a super fun way to commit to a habit :)
Edward Sturm
@vishal_godhwani Thank you! For now, it uses the honor system, but that's something we're looking at for the future!
Daria Danilina
@edward_sturm Thank you for this project! It works for me when I have a social accountability and I paid money for this. This had to be done a long time ago. I hope I will great cook after 7 days, it's my new commit ahaha
wow that's novel! But I'd sure do something like this with @nikola_zavadska1 make some cash 😈
Cristian Toba
Congratulations on the launch🎉💯
Edward Sturm
@ictoba Thank you!
Savian Boroanca
"The heart of Commit Club is doing a daily challenge - either reaching a big goal, building a new positive habit, or quitting a bad one." this line is so fresh and so clean. I love what you are doing. Well done to the ?makers 🚀🚀🚀
Simina Negulescu
What a great idea! Congrats 🚀
Edward Sturm
@simina_negulescu Thank you Simina!
Gagan Prajapati
Congratulations! on the launch
bijal dave
I have been looking for accountability tool too long , definitely giving this a try!
Edward Sturm
@bijal_dave Awesome!!
Cha Obligacion
Amazing stuff here @edward_sturm! Congrats!
Edward Sturm
@cha_obligacion Thank you!
Adrian Steriopol
Interesting concept! Congrats on the launch 🚀
Edward Sturm
@adrian14 Appreciate it Adrian!