Introducing Column, the first and only nationally chartered bank built from the ground up for developers.
We get you right to the bare metal of banking. Build your next financial product with Column.
Hey founder (and OP) here. This has been a labor of love for the past few years and I'm super stoked on what we shipped. Would love any and all feedback, thoughts and questions!
@williamhockey Like I said on Twitter before, this is one of the most interesting Fintech plays I've seen these days. So many good things I'm seeing here, and simply the potential here is humongous. I've shared before that API driven companies will rule the world, especially in the finance industry. Bravo for the launch !!!
@williamhockey Holy shit, this is beyond remarkable. I'm baffled that there hasn't been more PH-er engagement. Clear documentation. Blazing fast frontend (Gatsby, I believe). Have you written/talked about your backend infrastructure (already read the existing blog posts)? I'm not sure what, but I want an excuse to build something with Column.
@williamhockey whoever leads your design team is genius. I’ve never seen a SV tech company put that much care and consideration into their design and UX. It’s like next level. It’s one of those tools that when you log in, it feels like Christmas as a 5 year old and Santa got your everything you ever wished for. Well done. Virtuoso. I’m super pumped to build with this.
Soooo much activity in fintech infrastructure. I didn't know you were working on this, @williamhockey. I was reading your company about page and see:
"We are 100% founder and employee owned, profitable, and we don't hire a lot. Over time, we will make this particular page more impressive, but at this time we are focused on shipping for our customers."
Bootstrapped! So contrarian. :)
What are the use cases for this, if you aren't already running a huge FinTech company? Am I reading this right that $10k minimums apply to these accounts? So, its only useful for B2B at scale?
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