CodeGuppy - Free coding platform for schools and coding clubs
CodeGuppy is a FREE coding platform for schools and coding clubs!The platform helps teachers to implement fun and engaging coding lessons using an online environment based on a graphical canvas (powered by p5.js library).Tons of projects and resources.
CodeGuppy - JavaScript coding site for kids, teens and creative adults!
Introducing - an online JavaScript playground and platform designed for kids, teens and creative adults!
With CodeGuppy you learn JavaScript coding games directly in the browser.
Code remixing and sharing are highly encouraged on CodeGuppy.
Free Book: Creative Coding for Kids - Gentle introduction to coding by Tariq Rashid
Creative Coding for Kids
by Tariq Rashid
This book is using creative coding to offer a gentle introduction to JavaScript programming to kids and beginners.
The writing style and the provided examples are totally captivating.
Download book for details.
50 coding challenges for JS code newbies - 50 coding challenges (with solutions) for JS code newbies
- These coding challenges are intended for code newbies that want to practice JavaScript
- The challenges are designed to be solved only with basic JavaScript language constructs
- Any solution that you find is a good solution…
Have fun!