Sujan Sundareswaran

Code Blue - A carefully concocted dark theme for VS Code.

A carefully concocted dark theme made of subtle blues and bright hues that’s easy on the eyes for focused coding. More detailes here.

Installation—search for ”Code Blue” from your VSCode Extensions. Reload and select from theme list.

Try it out, I’d love to hear some feedback! Let me know if there are any bugs or if something can be made better.

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Christian Pecson
Aweome work! What font family is used in demo images here? It’s a great match to the theme. Great job!
Sujan Sundareswaran
@chpecson Thanks, Christian! The font is another one of my babies (I’m extremely picky about my IDE :P). It’s an unreleased version, though. I’d be happy to ping you once I publish that. :)
helena n
@chpecson @soooojan *wave* I'm interested in the font too! Nice work on the theme :)
Sujan Sundareswaran
@chpecson @herrowna Done! Should be about a couple of weeks, possibly sooner!
@soooojan are you gonna be making themes for other editors as well?
Sujan Sundareswaran
@amrith Are you asking for Sublime?
Sagar Khatri
Found it too good ! How do I install this ? Kinda newbie with the themes.
Sujan Sundareswaran
@dssagar93 Easiest way is to search for “Code Blue” in your VSCode Extensions panel, hit Install, and then select it in your Color Theme settings (Cmd+Shift+P, then type “theme”...and select from list.)
Sujan Sundareswaran
@dssagar93 Let me know if that worked.
Mudambi Seshadri Srivatsa
Looks great! But I am unable to install the theme on VS Code 1.23.1 Manual install using vsix also does not work. Error Log:
Sujan Sundareswaran
@mssrivatsa Hiya. Try updating your VS Code. Code Blue works on v1.25.0 and up. Cheers!
Rajat Patel
@mssrivatsa @soooojan Hey. I also can't figure out how to install it. Can you please share? I really love this theme. Thanks!
Sujan Sundareswaran
@rajatpatel2015 So, make sure you’re using minimum v1.25 of VSCode. Then, open your Extensions panel, and search for Code Blue. Open the link, and hit Install. Then hit the Reload button. Then, Cmd+Shift+P (or Ctrl+Shift+P, for Windows) and type “theme”, and select “Color Theme” from the list. Should see Code Blue in the list now. Select it, and hit Enter. Done! :)
Rajat Patel
@soooojan Oh! I thought I had to do a manual install. It worked and it looks awesome. I also checked out your website and some other works. It's great!
Justin E. Harris
Interesting name. I can't stop thinking of the medical definition of code blue: an emergency situation at a hospital. Subtle blues vs emergency situation. Love the idea behind the theme with subtle blues and bright hues.
Sujan Sundareswaran
@envisionwithj Psst! There’s a Code Black in the works!
Evan Farrell
Liking the red cursor-blink, gonna give this a shot today!
Looks great, would love one for Visual Studio as well.
Sujan Sundareswaran
@askar Hm, I’ve never used VS, but maybe I’ll try porting it. :)
Arsen Hakobian
Rudy Lee
Nice work! Looks really good!
Max Schmitt
Awesome work! What was your workflow for creating this theme? Did you design it with another piece of software first or did you jump straight into editing the color-theme.json file, reloading VS Code, etc.?
Sujan Sundareswaran
@mackseraner I started with this— After that it was just plain ol’ brute-forcing. I picked a base colour, and worked around that. I would pick a particular part of the editor— the sidebar, for example, and start applying colours based on maximum visual area, and then move to hover, border etc.
Max Schmitt
@soooojan Ah I see :) Thanks for getting back to me! I wish there was a more efficient way of creating themes for VS Code...
Julien Ricard

the background of the editor should be darker in my opinion


nice overall colors


comments are unreadable

Sujan Sundareswaran
Hi Julien, the comment colours are fixed now. Do take a look! :)
Osman Erdi Balcıoğlu
My first impression is quite good about code-blue, it has well-selected color combinations, I'm going to try it for a week then make decision, Thank you for awesome work.
Rishabh Anand
Awesome editor theme! Would really love to get my hands on the font face used!
Sujan Sundareswaran
@rishabh16_ Its currently a WIP, making some final tweaks :) I’ll publish it asap!
Sujan Sundareswaran
@rishabh16_ Here it is— After months for struggling with frikkin Paypal.
Tej Naik
@soooojan Did you got chance to publish the fonts..!!
Sujan Sundareswaran
@naiktej13 Hi, Thanks for asking! I am stuck with setting up PayPal, on the site, but the fonts are ready.
Sujan Sundareswaran
@naiktej13 Hi Tej— I finally managed to publish the font, Paypal was the culprit. Check it out here—