
Evalentum - 2-layered co-founder matchmaking


πŸš€ Our Co-Founder Matchmaking app v0.1 is LIVE! πŸŽ‰ Using hybrid psychometric models, skill analysis, & ML, for profile recommendations. "When a team trusts each other, success is a natural byproduct" Join: https://app.evalentum.com | www.evalentum.com

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πŸš€πŸš€πŸŽ‰ Our Co-Founder Matchmaking app v.0.1 is live now! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸš€ What stands out in our approach is the combination of hybrid psychometric models, skill analysis, and machine learning for profile recommendations. We built this app to solve the 65% of startup failures caused by co-founder conflicts, according to the Harvard Business Review. When building a startup, not only financials, legal risks, etc., matter personality traits matter too and should be given more importance. The whole idea was born from this quote: "When a team trusts each other, success is a natural byproduct," and the previous experience of our team. πŸš€Join here: https://app.evalentum.com | Website: www.evalentum.com