I've been an advocate of the product for a long time (last time last night, how funny is that) and a user for even longer, if I had to sum it up: it just works. iOS, MacOS, Android, Apple Watch, doesn't matter the platform, it works, in sync, and that's a huge thing when handling multiple inboxes (both work and personal ones even). And for that, thank you, great UX!
Thank you for offering me a year of subscription as a recognition of that long time I've used it (and paid for it back in the day).
But for anyone picking it up today, 50$ USD per year is a hefty price. It depicts a trend that I don't approve of in the tech industry: continuously switching to subscription based models, I get it is an added value to the company, on multiple levels, but it doesn't feel like the consumer is really getting a product, simply a provided-as-you-pay service. And that's a shame.
My 2 cents.
This is really off for me. I can understand charging a subscription fee moving forward for new users but migrating early adopters onto this is just bad business. I signed up for the offer of a one time fee then that's what it should be.
They also have been making weird UI changes and not really caring about the experience as well. I was a huge fan of the mac client and still am. This now has me seriously questioning my loyalty.
At least I have a year to figure it out. Actually less than a year cause I have had this for about six months already........
App is still missing basic features like labels or save as for downloading attachments. Whereas other unnecessary and additionally paid features were added (i.e. sender profile)
CloudMagic is now Newton and they say it's a BIG change!
Tough competition in this space... big one that made a big splash here is obviously Polymail
Walk us through the big changes/rebrand etc etc :)
Lost me as a user today, as well - just like many others. Charging for features that have been free for years is not okay in my book; offering new ones and upselling is fine...baiting and switching is not.
Most of these integrations and features already exist either natively or with free plugins... Also the terminology is just plain misleading... "Sender Profile" Do you mean contact? Like the contacts app that I have? Also IFTTT has several times the number of integrations and is free...
Extremely reliable and fast email client. This team deserve each penny of yearly subscription. I know that it looks overpriced but after 4 days of trial, I decide to buy yearly.
Purchased desktop and mobile versions. Been my preferred client but as of today will stop using. Can't see them surviving - I know they've got to keep the lights on but this is a ridiculously high cost.
Sorry that I've ditched this app a while ago once they asked payment for the features they should already have built in, though I paid for the app.. ı had send my feedback then and I still see them having the same strategy. This was the best choice fır me once the mailbox had gone. Now using polymail and I'm happy with that though it's bulky. Airmail is another bulky alternative with no 'read' feature. Good luck cloudmail. I'm paying fot many things online but if I didnt pay for once for your app expecting more to come, I would may be buy this. Still with most alternatives that are free, this is definitely a buy for me
Huge fan of CloudMagic. It has been my main client on iPhone and OSx for over a year. Switching early adopters to a $50 a year subscription plan (granted with the first year free) after already purchasing the app just seems wrong. I hope they change their approach.
They really don't get it. First $20 for the desktop app (basically not worth more than $5-10), now $50/year even if you already own the app? Ridiculous.
I just want to say, "Unsubscribe now" is the best feature ever. :)
I don't need to go from one page to another in order to unsubscribe a newsletter service. A single click is enough. ;)
I'm really surprised about the lack of interaction from the makers here.
@rohitnadhani can we PLEASE see a dark mode / dark theme in Newton anytime soon?
Roots: connect with nature
VettNews Cx
Thinkbuddy AI
Checked it out ... got excited... realized it is dead.
Pros:Seemed legit.
Cons:Is dead now.