Finally, a clear path to creating ideal customer profiles that generate revenue. Get FREE no B.S. questions and templates to identify your best customers with pinpoint accuracy.
Excited to launch this! It's one of the fundamental building blocks of any teams sales strategy, and one that often doesn't get the attention it deserves. Building organizational customer intimacy is crucial if you want to build a scalable sales process, and this collection of checklists, templates, and sample questions will help you do so. Hope this is of value to you!
Looks really interesting and much needed too. We talk with many sales and marketing people everyday and they seem to have a general idea about their ICP. This is their ICP! They should know it all and have segmented profiles and use case understandings for each. This can help.
I went to check out the customer profile kit- but it seems Close is just a CRM that is trying to force me into switching to their platform. This listing makes it look slike you're offering a customer profile kit but it doesn't appear that way unless I sign up for your CRM? Very misleading.