
Validated ideas - List of 5,000 poorly executed but popular apps

Coming up with innovative ideas is hard and time-consuming.
Instead, you could implement an existing product which already has demand.
This list of 5,000 apps with 100k+ downloads and lower than 3.2 ratings could give you inspiration.

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Ivan Malopinsky
Great idea. Wish there was something like this for all kinds of products.
@imsky thank you! I plan to do similar projects, but what exactly do you have in mind? Like this but with web apps/websites/SaaS?
Ivan Malopinsky
@jozshuszi Yes, web apps, desktop apps, SaaS, iOS apps, physical products, services with software frontends (e.g. Lemonade or Oscar)
@jozshuszi @imsky Nice idea! Thanks for the feedback. :)
Lazy Lemur
You should have paired them to the most successful apps. many apps on the list, have already a good product counter part.
Hi there! This is my first ever info product - a collection of poorly executed ideas. There are more than 5,000 apps (each of them has at least 100k+ downloads and lower than 3.2 ratings) in this list. Why I created this? Because I wanted to start a new project but I didn't have any innovative ideas. So I thought: why not take an existing product and improve it? So I searched and collected (with the help of the technology) more than enough apps for me and all of them are active, but have negative feedbacks.
Ugur KILCI 😈
I love and support such projects.
@ugur2nd thank you! :)
Hunter Carter
This is a great idea.
@school_4_ants thank you! :)
JD Nickell
I could probably find this data myself, but for $3.99 it's not worth spending my time - especially since you also provided the JSON file. Great idea.
Julia Janks
Hey Huszko! Great list. I wrote about it for the newsletter coming out later today. Let me know if you'd like to see the article!
@julia_janks1 oh wow!! Thank you very much! I would love to see the article! :)
Julia Janks
@julia_janks1 @jozshuszi What is your email address?
@julia_janks1 huszijozs at gmail dot com. Thanks in advance! :)
Himanshu Sharma
We need this for web apps as well
Bartek Fijałkowski
I would pay gladly for something like this, but for a web apps.
Victor G. Björklund
haha awesome
@jozshuszi I just saw this on a newsletter I subscribe to. I wouldn't be surprised if you got a lot more attention today. Was it worth the time and efforto to create this and put it up for sale? Did you make more than coffee money? Did you underprice it?
@jozshuszi @kenrossi I was wondering why there were more sales than usual! Since the launch, the sales naturally dropped. Can I ask you which newsletter? I owe them one, thank you. It was totally worth it! This list didn't take much to create, and there were more than 300 sales overall. Maybe I underpriced it a little bit, but my thinking was: a lot of developer out there could have built this list, but (hopefully) earn more than 3.99 in an hour so they would buy it rather than create their own. Win-win in my head. And I liked this price because this way a lot of people can afford it.
Caroline McCarthy
Love this! would be great to update with iOS as well - a lot of the apps that have tough reviews on android are actually doing pretty well on iOS.
@caromac91 thank you Caroline! Good suggestion, I mainly follow the Android market, that's why I decided to go with this one with this list. I hope you find it useful!
Fynn Glover
this is a great idea... any chance you organized as an excel sheet or airtable? would make it easier for customers to filter by category. 5000 ideas is a lot to filter through to retrieve value :-)
@fynnglover19 I did for my second list! If you bought this product I won't make you buy that too - just tell me your email (here, or you can find my email when you purchase I believe and then send me a message), and I will send you the Airtable link.
Akash Wadhwani
This is brilliant!