Alex MacCaw

Clearbit Company Logo API - Get any site's company logo with just a URL

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Alex MacCaw
We've been finding this API useful internally across admin dashboards etc, and we're super excited to be opening it up to the world. 🎉 Having access to company logos through a simple API (literally just an image tag) has so many use-cases - from CRMs to job boards to pretty much any SAAS company's signup flow. We're hoping that this API will become the Gravatar of company logos. Let us know if you've any suggestions on how to improve the API.
Ryan Hoover
This could be very useful if we want to display company logos on product or team/company pages programatically. Nice work, @maccaw, @apv87, and @oniworks.
David Chouinard
This is amazing. ✌ I'm sure it's on @maccaw et al.'s radar, but I wish there was a way to crowdsource image selections — a public interface for voting on logos Clearbit's robot found, possibly feeding back to the robot to improve its logo selection in the future. Many of the logos selected for iconic companies aren't great, e.g.,,,
David Chouinard
I'd also love to see support for a few standard aspect ratios, possibly landscape and square to start off with.
Clark Wimberly
Oh jeez, amazingly useful. Any way to *add* a company, if it's not yet been indexed?
Alex MacCaw
@clarklab No need! :) The first time you request a logo that hasn't been indexed, we'll go out and index the company.
Simon Males
@maccaw What if I get a 404?
Alex MacCaw
@simonmales @clarklab As soon as the cache expires you'll get the real logo.
Alex MacCaw
Oh and here's Product Hunt's logo!
Malinka Walaliyadde
Very useful! Would love the option to get grayscale logos as well :)
Dror Cohen
Nice! It would had have been great if you'd provide a textbox in which we can type in URLs to test this on. This time to quickly test it out I had to open the Developer Tools and change the image URL to the one I wanted to test.
Adam Cooke
@drorco You mean like your address bar?
Dror Cohen
@adamcooke @drorco just much more convenient in the sense that I wouldn't have to copy the whole thing, also not force me to lose context of the website and it would also be nice if it would let me test it in different sizes, all through a simple widget.
Harlow at Clearbit
@drorco @adamcooke great idea. Added to the logo page:
Dharmesh Shah
This is shocking simple and surprisingly useful. Nicely done, Clearbit folks!
Jamie Lawrence
Oh, yes! This is going to be so useful for marketing purposes (automated customer wall anyone?) or SaaS services which allow companies to upload their own logo. Brilliant!
Tim Jahn
Logos of companies of a certain size generally have brand guidelines with a bunch of do's/don'ts when displaying their logo (example: I imagine applying greyscale would violate such guidelines.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
This needs to support SVG! Integrate with!
Xavier Castaneda
Awesome concept. Something that I would use routinely. Is there some explanation of the algorithm / priority tree when generating the logo? I tried a few examples and the results were mixed. On my personal site, nothing was even generated. If i knew some of the "behind the scenes", I could optimize my sites so that this api would always find the right image.
Tom Masiero
Clearbit ships like no other!
Al Bentley
Looks awesome, how is it different or better then
@al__bentley For one thing, it's free to use! :)
I like!
Adam Greenspan
That's sweet. Good for press pages.
Justin Mitchell
You have no idea how perfect of timing this is! I'm working on an app right now that needs this exact service.
Arti Villa
Super simple as hell. Thanks @maccaw @apv87 @oniworks!
Chris Manhoff

Great resource for marketing


Huge database of logos. Easy to add your logo.


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