Sagie Reder

Clear - Extract insights, ask questions, and navigate documents


šŸ“„ Upload PDF: Securely add your document to our platform ā“ Ask Questions: Query your document with open text questions šŸ’” Get Answers: Receive quick, accurate responses based on the file šŸ““ Structured Results: Optional table with answers from multiple files

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Sagie Reder
So excited to finally be launching on Product Hunt! After working on Clear for a while now, I'm releasing it here hoping you'll give me your harsh, scathing feedback šŸ˜‰. What can you do with Clear? šŸ’” Solve Problems Ever spent hours searching a report only to find the answer in a random footnote hours later? Clear finds that random footnote, gives you the answer and cites sources. šŸ““ Explore in Bulk Need to get the point of contact, company name and industry out of 10 files without a consistent format? We've got you. This unique feature offers the ability to get structured responses from multiple files in the form of a table. Consider signing up for a free account and telling me what you think here in the comments.
Ghost Kitty
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