Jonathon Triest

Cleanly Reserve - Amazon Prime for laundry & dry cleaning

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Tom Harari
Hola Hunters! I'm Tom, Co-founder & CEO of Cleanly. Our team is pretty stoked to release our new app + Cleanly Reserve, the first laundry & dry cleaning subscription membership. The app has a whole bunch of new features like Block Party pricing, Stain Mark technology, and more. Happy to chat about any of them, or laundry in general. AMA *Edit: almost forgot, for folks in NYC use code PRODUCTHUNT for $15 off your first order. More cities coming soon.
Peter Kazanjy
Oh my goodness come to San Francisco already! I love the subscription piece so I'm forced to get stuff out the door instead piled up in my closet.
Jimmy Douglas
@kazanjy Plus one for SF
Jack Smith
@nemrow @kazanjy I thought they already were in SF. i was going to order with them :(
@kazanjy Have you tried
Ivan Kirigin
Postmates recently posted some stats that showed their subscription drove a lot more usage. I'd love to hear stats here as a follow up -- awesome work!
Tom Harari
@ikirigin Link? I think that's a great idea and we'd totally be up for it
Ivan Kirigin
@tomharari Let me try to find it, but snack on this for now
Ivan Kirigin
@tomharari here it is "Postmates Unlimited more than doubles a customers order frequency. Subscribers order on average 9.4 times per month!"
Maxwell Nelson
HELL YEAH. Just placed my first order.
Tom Harari
@maxwell_nelson πŸ™ŒπŸ½
Maxwell Nelson
@tomharari I was waiting for fly cleaners to come to my neighborhood but this seems way better. 1 hour pickup window and 1 day turnaround are key πŸ”‘ Thanks!
Aaron Myers
Where are you currently available?
Tom Harari
@amyers Manhattan and Brooklyn, with Boston/Chicago/DC next up.
Tom Harari
@alecdavidreifer @amyers πŸ‘Œ πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ Love Austin
Ran Grushkowsky
Great value proposition to consumers who value their time. Cleanly Reserve is an amazing add-on that allows consumers to really check laundry off their list. Use it when you need it, no extra thought required. Great work @Cleanly and well done on the superb execution. Nationwide rollout is indeed needed!
Aaron G
What's the difference between this service and other similar services, like
Tom Harari
@botolo86 we're scheduled (no on demand), offer next day turnaround, precise 1 hour windows (you can choose a window up to 20 min before it starts), and with the new app release a bunch of new features no one is doing in this industry: 1) block party pricing: (sort of like anti-surge) pings you with a discount when orders go up in your building, block, or neighborhood. 2) stain mark tech: snap a photo of a piece of clothing with a stain you want extra attention on, draw circle around it and it pops into your order notes and goes through our entire supply-chain to the vendor partner that will be cleaning your garment 3) discounts if you live in a doorman building and leave your items downstairs with the doorman vs choosing a 1 hour window delivery to your door 4) Reserve - the first subscription membership program that saves customers over $400 a year for less than $10/mo.
5 Pixels Studio
Bodacious! Marriage is the most expensive way for the average man to get laundry done. :-) Singles on etc would love you guys :-)
Tom Harari
@reno_web_design Many people are surprised (not sure why) when we tell them the overwhelming majority of Cleanly users are female
5 Pixels Studio
@tomharari hmm.. maybe a) men are pigs b) there are lots of single females c) between paying for laundry and paying for beer men choose the latter? :-)
Ariel Janover
I'm so happy I live in NYC right now. Great job guys, will try it out and give feedback!
Ouriel Ohayon
you have to pay a subscription an in addition pay per item?
Tom Harari
@ourielohayon You don't have to. The subscription is new and makes sense for people that use the service often (like Prime for Amazon).
Paul Shustak
@tomharari @ourielohayon You should probably update your pricing page. Everything there is al-a-carte; no mention of subscription pricing
Tom Harari
@paul_shustak @ourielohayon Reserve is in the navigation and on homepage but sure, we have plenty of work to do around CRO. Thanks!
Diego Saez Gil
This is amazing guys. Can't wait for a national roll out!
J.M. Saponaro
Very nice! @tomharari. I will definitely try. But what is the maximum number of laundries per month? A maximum weight? ...
Tom Harari
@jmsaponaro No such thing. Send as little or as much as you want, that's the beauty of Reserve.
Nussi Einhorn
The prices are relatively cheap! Compared to Rockland Dry Cleaning prices. Love your site design. Clear and simple message.
Julien L
We became clients in NYC. The price is super confusing. We paid the subscription, but turns out there's not much included. Our laundry ended up being charged $50 on top of the subscription, and there was no dry cleaning, just laundry. We still don't understand how the pricing works and what is included and not included in the membership. Also, not related by annoying, one of my wife's favorite blouse has gone missing and they can't find it.
Tom Harari
@julien_l Email and feel free to CC me - we'll straighten it out
Julien L
@tomharari @cleanly So My wife has been dealing with it, and it was frustrating. Your support confirms that there is no such thing as an unlimited plan. Here is their answer: "I apologize for the confusion and any miscommunication. Signing up for Cleanly Reserve gives you added perks on each order such as free delivery, percentage off of each order, free hang dry items, and a given amount of free last minute cancellations. Unfortunately, it does make each order you place free of charge. " I suppose "Unfortunately, it does" was meant to say "Unfortunately, it doesn't" Anyway, either you're advertising a service as unlimited without actually doing it, or your support has no idea what you're selling. We still don't know as the support didn't provide any details (they only answered after we asked 3 times)
Ghost Kitty
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Kevin Segal
When's this gonna be in LA?
Who are your delivery fleet? You should use the Postmates API for that!
Tom Harari
@mager we love postmates but our fleet of Valets are part of the magic that makes Cleanly work
Chance Mayfield
It would be really awesome if you didn't make someone sign up for the service before they can see it's not available in DFW. Ridiculous.
Isabella Clark
Start your own Laundry Venture with on-demand Uber for Laundry service app like Washio, Mulberrys and FlyCleaners. Start your Startup with Pre Build Clone app